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Dealers Not to trust!

Dealers-Not to trust!
Dealer One!
Newquay Circus Fields……………..8th July 2010
When the Market Traders are shown into the Car Boot Sales early to set up their stalls they pay a higher price for their selling spaces therefore deserve ample time to display their stocks.
I always make a point of going around and talking to these sellers and seeing what is being sold.
Trading Standards pay regular visits to our Car Boot Sales/Markets we are aware of their guidelines and in this website you will see the Trading Standards advice and recommendations.
On this occasion one man stood out a ‘con man’ trying to use me as an advert for selling his foul wines to our customers!
Below is an extract from a requested report.

On Thursday 8th July I was inspecting Market Traders stalls when a man shouted to me ‘Hey Geoff I have a present for you’ he went to his van producing two bottles of wine which offered them to me. I told him I do not accept gifts and we do not drink wine, he seemed most determined and told me he had 40 cases of the wine in his vehicle which he claimed he was going to deliver to shops later that day.
I told him ‘under no circumstances should he sell the wine’
When I returned to the stall I again reminded him not to sell. The two bottles were still on the table as part of his display and I took them to show to my staff advising them to watch the man.

According to other sellers he then distributed the enclosed leaflet to their stalls, they learned he would be at ROSEUDGEON on Wednesdays where they dont mind him selling.

I had left Newquay and received a phone call from Hayley our supervisor to say the man had traded 2 cases of wine and further he told other sellers ‘I cant sell any until Geoff leaves the field’
Later, I spoke to the buyer of the wine advising him it was illegal for him to buy.

The man named Simon we are not aware of his surname his email address is (x x x x x x x ) was told by another member of staff to cease trading with the wine. He was told that I had BARRED him from coming to our Car Boot Sales/Markets because despite two warnings from me he broke the law by selling wine which he denied.

He later phoned and amongst a further 30/40 calls he threatened ‘to kill me and sort out Hayley the snitch a female member of staff who reported the incident to me.

I was concerned for the safety of myself and team and reported the matter to Newquay Police, showing them the offensive and threatening texts, they offered an appointment for two days later (short staffed) but I said I would cope with the calls which lasted two days and almost 50 calls and threatening texts later. I spoke with a Sergeant from Newquay Police who advised to use the 999 service if necessary. He will receive a copy of this report today.

I tried through ORANGE to get any incoming calls and texts ‘BARRED’ from this mans number their only advice was to change my number which number is essential to my business.

Yesterday evening the calls and texts started again claiming that he was going to arrive and ‘deal with me once and for all’ This foul-mouthed man has caused great offence and his behavior was intimidating and most threatening.

In 21 years of running Car Boots Cornwall we have only resorted to reporting matters to the POLICE on one other occasion.

Geoff Camden Wiles

Since this report sent 10th July 2010 we have heard nothing more from this seller who is BARRED from all events run by CARBOOTSCORNWALL
Here is a man determined to bend the rules without respect to his fellow sellers and he undoubtedly helps in the decline of trust of Market Traders.

The law is simple, you may not sell wines & spirits or tobacco of any sort at our Car Boot Sales/Markets!
Dealers not to trust!

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