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Sunday 26th November 2017 TRURO Car Boot Sale;
Due to the very poor weather it was decided to hold today’s sale inside the Cattle Pens. Sellers started arriving from 11.00 am onwards. I took my usual walk around the stalls as they were setting up.
I was concerned about 3 men who it seems traveled from up-country in a WHITE TRANSIT van to sell what amounted to a huge supply of good condition power tools. I was wanting to notify the Police as I assumed whether right or not that the tools had been stolen. As we got nearer to the start time Louise had to ask them to keep to their own stalls as they were wandering around asking other buyers to sell before the public were allowed in for the start time of 1.30 pm.
I told her of my concerns that the power tools were ‘stolen property’ and asked her to take pictures of the van the stall and hopefully of the men. The sale started at 1.30 pm I had decided not to notify the Police but to rely on the pictures Lou had taken as a precaution.
The 3 men traded well almost selling out to the eager buyers several had apparently bought the tools at BARGAIN PRICES to either sell on eBay or auction of keep them! By 3.00 pm the men were gone!!

Sunday 3rd of December 2017
As soon as I arrived some of the early sellers had told me that people who had bought the power tools had been put into Auctions and that the Police had reclaimed them on behalf of the original owners! So the tools had been stolen and if any of you readers bought any tools from this stall and you put them on eBay then my advice to you is that the ‘tools were stolen’ and whilst you were not aware they were stolen the Police have the power to reclaim the ‘STOLEN PROPERTY’ which you have purchased in good faith. Take a look at the 3 pictures if you do have any information I will try to get a crime reference number for you to inform the Police.

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