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– The Life Guards –

Blog 7.
Now then, as an ex HM The Life Guards soldier ( the Senior Regiment of the British Army) So, I was doing my 3 years National Service at Windsor from 1956, so did you know also that I have done my bit for Queen and Country, Oh yes indeedy for I were sent as a ‘Secret Service agent’ to sort out the Suez crisis alone, I was on the Empire Orwell ship on behalf of Number 10 Downing Street to negotiate a settlement, with the ladies of the nights provided, a few spliffs later getting pist out of my mind so to speak, a few more spliffs and then loads of gobbing it orf on both sides, then paying off the Suez blokies millions (my percentage on top) for them not to start a fight, then according to local traditions we all got our conkers out, I had to put mine away in shame ffs and guess what man there was a stunning amazing breakthrough ffs? Peace, Perfect Peace reigned FFS! So, there was no war due to and according to my negotiation skills (bloody liar) (so the rest of this is all a load of absolute brollocks ffs) and I am some out of it ffs, so, to show their honest appreciation for my services for this bull shit I was given 40 bales of quality cannabis and Ten Million Euros that I am not declaring to the Inland People ffs (but de weed man, you know what I’m saying man) all in full payment to smoke to my hearts content ffs!

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