An email from a dog lover and happy birthday to Marge also Joey from the fruit & veg stall
Name: Poppy
Subject: DOGS!!!
Telephone: 07979991
Message: Did i see a voting poll about dogs at the car boot..Can you please tick NO DOGS FOR ME!!..On your poll.please..Having had one pee all over my goods at Newquay. They annoy me bad enough when im buying , always in the way , with great long leads , which are great for tripping over !! ..Then to top it all.One pissed on my stuff when i was selling…GGGRRRRRR Really got me goat ..thank you , rant over…So whats happening with dogs in the selling fields??..x.x.x P.S….Great car boots tho..x.x.x
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Dearest Poppy if anyone’s dog pisses on your stock you have the right to ask for the dogs owner to either buy the drenched and yellow stained and probably smelly item or pay for its cleaning but if the item was only 20p in the first place there is sod all the management can do FFS!
I have deleted some of your address in case some animal lovers object to your tone of voice. love you Poppy.