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Geoff Says
The News, The Gossip, The Views... Geoff Says

Website Terms of use – car boots cornwall


The web site is an internet service produced by Car Boots Cornwall. Use of this web site is subject to you accepting our following terms and conditions.

All reasonable endeavours have been used to ensure that the content and accuracy of this web site is consistent with normally accepted standards and practices. However no warranty is given to that effect, in particular that the functions or material contained in the site are error free, or that this site is free of viruses or bugs.

In no event, without limitation as far as permitted by English law, will Car Boots Cornwall be liable for any direct or indirect damages whatsoever arising from the use or loss of use, data, profits, negligence or other tortuous action, arising out of or in connection with the use of the site. Where Car Boots Cornwall publishes and provides links to other web sites that are considered to be of interest, Car Boots Cornwall is not responsible for the content or accuracy etc. of any such sites.

We accept no responsibility for items offered on sale on the website, similarly we accept no responsibility for the description/s of items to be sold.

These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of England.


Unless stated otherwise or it is clear that logos are the proprietary marks of third parties (for which permission of use has been granted), all text and images are the copyright of Car Boots Cornwall. Information or material on this web site, including text or images, may be downloaded, copied, reproduced, broadcast and/or transmitted (collectively “reproduced”) subject to the following conditions:

  • All reproduction must be for non-commercial use
  • All reproduction must credit Car Boots Cornwall as the copyright holder
  • No reproduction of third party logos or other information is permitted without their express consent


Car Boots Cornwall respects your personal privacy and will not collect any personal information about you without your knowledge.

Car Boots Cornwall will not disclose any of your personal information to any third party except:

  • Where required by law or
  • If Car Boots Cornwall contracts with a third party to undertake some research or to distribute information on Car Boots Cornwall’s behalf, in which case Car Boots Cornwall will protect confidentiality and security of that information and not allow other use.

On forums we request your full name, email and date of birth only to provide website user accounts for the selling and adult forums.

Telephone 078 078 078 88 or 07779 517749


Stop Press

Our NEXT Car Boot Sale is on SUNDAY the 1st of DECEMBER at TRURO at 12.00 noon

Geoff Says to Alicante coming soon! x


We are currently looking at an offer from STITHIANS to run Car Boot Sales and other events including INDOOR FLEA MARKETS please express your interest to Anne of a thousands contacts and taking over our neglected FACEBOOK PAGES is Stephanie, can I ask both ladies for ( if you do not mind) contact details please? X


Thank you to all buyers and sellers for your  SUPPORT during some rotten Cornish Weather!!

SUNDAYS at  TRURO at 12.00 noon up to and including 15th December



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