CAR BOOTS CORNWALL have been summoned to appear at JUDGE RINDERS Court for trial by TV FFS!!
The last two occasions I wrote something on Geoff Says that was potentially confrontational (but I only tell the truth) a couple of idiots complained to the Police wasting their time completely. CBC has great mutual respect with the Police but although I have my loyal fans in the force who enjoy Geoff Says they are not in the slightest bit interested in anything I have to say in my Geoff Says clap-trap blog column where I exercise my complete rights to FREE SPEECH I know enough about the law not to break it so if you are offended by wot I write then I seriously DGAF my lovers. if you dont like what I write then here for you is a pleasant FRO and walk away in jerky movements as they say, in future man-up grow a pair and grow up and do not go wittering on to the Police wasting their valuable time, nor mine please! Thank-you. Now read on;