Dangerous tounge twisting~~~ 7 pictures;
Today I was met with “I can curl my tongue” because they have all been practising in the mirror but when I asked them to recite; I am not a pheasant plucker, I’m a pheasant pluckers son, I’m only plucking pheasants, Till the pheasant plucker comes! No-one came forward to do the tongue twister as there was some £3.00 off vouchers for making the effort without dribbling. However Congrats to all those who can tongue twist to mention a few; Rosie (she can but he can’t) Marge (but of course) and the entire family! Orli, Sid Snot, but the only one we could find who cannot do it is Gordon the gofer husband in waiting to Our Rosie who is looking much better following her recent operations for her shoulder problems. Could I ask Marge to check with Dave if he can tongue twist, he might smack me in the gob if I ask him!
An alarmed fellow dealer overheard this conversation in the queue at the Cattle Market and came to tell me the latest gossip all about ME! “Of course this man Geoff made himself a millionaire just with Mabe you know he is worth absolute fortunes and (get this) it’s the only reason she stays with him cos of the money” What an absolute load of bollocks! To make me a millionaire we would need 3000 sellers each week until I reach the age of 65 second time around and just for the record this conversation was overheard by a potential candidate for wife number 5 see. Louise adores me so I don’t GAF what anyone has to say and I adore Louise which is probably an exaggeration I would have thought! Well, I quite like her-ish?
The procedure at all of our Car Boot Sales is that sellers Q until half an hour before the start of the Car Boot Sale time. You are shown where to park and you get about 20 minutes to set up your stalls. During this time there is a STRICTLY No buying-No selling- No looking at other stall-No reserving just totally concentrate on setting up your stall, you are about to become a shop-keeper so take the matter seriously enough and you could do well. So you have done your part of the deal and my job is to get the hundreds of buyers who have queued to come to your stall to spend their money on your bargains!
I get sick of some sellers who complain they do not have enough time; yes you do, look around you and see how industrious the other sellers are with setting up their stalls! The main reason there is a limited time is to protect our buyers to ensure their wait in the queue has not been cheated out of the bargains by sellers selling to other sellers before the buyers at the start time. Fair is fair, I see thousands of bargains when I go around the stalls but I would not deprive the buyers of the bargains by buying anything before the start of the sale. (the buyers would kill me)
We are planning a CAR BOOT FORUM which hopefully will be introduced before Christmas then we can really get news and pictures of your daily BARGAINS by the way there was two very nice gentlemen set up a stall with hundreds of boxed Christmas cards and I hate to admit they hardly sold any at all which is a shame. Lou and I persuade anyone thinking of giving us a Christmas card “No thanks my lovers” but it’s the cost of the postage which is a staggering 60p for first class and 50p for second class, so you to buy a decent card post it and you are talking a couple of quid.
The person receiving it will open it up hang it up and then bin it and you have worked your balls off to pay for the fricking card in the first place. I had an old Auntie May who was so tight fisted she would send me cards sent to her the previous year she would cross out their names and put mine instead. Whenever she used to come to see me she would always wanted to kiss me goodbye, horrific experience, bit like being kissed by SPIKE from the 3 dog’s stories.
I lost her address after she sent one of my wives 6 hand knitted egg warmers which caused me great humiliation
We all had a good day today Cornwall at its best, back into our winter quarters again TRURO!
8.00am Monday the rain is raining again and the forecast is crap for a few days, why not have some ‘ME time’ that means spending some time completely on yourself my lovers. Sod everyone else, go for it.
Duty calls got to do the breakfast for her indoors. Still eating?
And it shows.
Love you.