Deal with it!! The right decision to CANCEL.
I know how disappointed some people get when I am the giver of bad news especially if you have packed up you car or van and are ready to sell and you don’t check the website or our ansaphone service and you know that the weather is more than iffy and you arrive and the event has been cancelled because of the mizzling and drizzling rain like today at Penryn Rugby Club!
At 11.00 noon there were 5 sellers when I arrived at the club and the weather was crappy to say the least 3 of them left the queue because of the weather and at 12.00 noon I decided to cancel advising through the website and our mobiles. We had put the signs out but it would have been stupidity to attempt to let sellers set up in the heavy drizzle which ceased for about 45 minutes then started mizzling again.
I know what the weather is like cos I live in the area and whilst the bloody BBC did not forecast the bad weather it did spoil a few potential sellers day cos one or two of the ‘POSH’ brigade phones or texted to bollock me for deciding to cancel! I was at the club 20 minutes after the ‘poshies’ had admonished me and it was drizzling heavily my only wish was that we should have charged them and let them sell and get all their pigging stock drenched and they would still say it was all my fault FFS!
For the record 940 people had the sense to check on our website to glean the latest information and for the commoners amongst us our Facebook will be finalised and give up to the minute details and any last minute changes.
Oh, and by the way you missed a brilliant ‘in the sunshine day’ at Mitchell yesterday when the weather was almost GUARANTEED so if you decided to go there just to buy it is not my fault that GOD on a Sunday decides to drizzle on your plans is it FFS!
Oh, and another thing is you all woke up to this miserable pizzling drizzling weather then why didn’t you say to yourself “I will be sensible today and go to sell in TRURO which is definitely going to be on cos it’s inside under cover and today it was busy with sellers making loads of money and you my lovers did not sell nowt!!
I had the day off more of less so Lou ran Truro Cattle Market lots of happy sellers who had got up early, looked at the weather and said ‘I am going to sell at TRURO cos it’s under cover today, then there were about 10 who travelled from Penryn to sell. Another email tells me that an apparent 12 sellers were doing U-turns after being told that the Car Boot was cancelled, unfortunately 12 sellers doth not make a boot sale?
LANHYDROCK went ahead lots of happy buyers and sellers with a few of them suffering minor bites from the Annual Flying Ants that traditionally accompany the Boardmasters Festival at Watergate Bay, they apparently breed much happier in Lanhydrock away from the salty air of the Bay but they breed like fury once they hear and feel the sounds of the crap music emulating from the Festival which excites their genitalia and they shag and breed like fuck and their only desire is to bite some poor unsuspecting B’stard for a dash of your blood. After biting one of our Car Booter customers they instantly roll up and die from blood poisoning the little B’stards, but a fair result. I am not being rude to the darling lady who wrote to tell me about the ants but WTF can I do about it my lover, tell you what next time you sell your Avon at Lanhydrock tell Amelia that you is my guest.
The following message has been sent via the website:
Name: Ms Vicky
Subject: Flying ants at Lanhydrock
Telephone: withheld
Message: Most weeks we do Lanhydrock but today was terrible with loads of flying ants. Which bit my husband and my 10 year old. Most buyers just walked pass without looking or buying. I sell brand new Avon which was covered in flying ants !!