Dear Father, save me from insanity FFS
Today’s email to
I am aware that Mitchell is no dogs however was wondering if this would still apply if the dog was in a sling and not on the ground. As the reason given is that the boot sale is on farmland, surely a dog that is not on the floor is not an issue. I am a regular visitor of your car boots and frequently visit Mitchell however have recently got a young pup who I cannot leave alone so carry in a sling. She has not had her injections so I cannot put her on the ground therefore under no circumstances would she leave the dog sling that I use to carry her.
Many thanks
Geoff Says;
This is an email that I firstly thought ‘is a total wind-up’ but no the writer is most serious in her request and one of us is going balmy but I do not think it is me this time!
What part of NO do you not understand Madam? I do not care if the dog is in a sling or in a carrier bag or tucked under your arm or straddled round your neck or squashed into your purse or nestling between your butt cheeks the simple answer for all to see is NO DOGS ALLOWED and we do not mean maybe, we mean definitely!
I cannot believe that your life seems to be thrown into chaos because you have bought a widget mutt of a dog who is obviously less than three months old and you are asking for a ‘special rule’ for your pup which is disrespectful to all other dog owners and to the simple demand that NO DOGS are allowed on the farmland whether they are tip-toing onto the grass or hidden on your personage or hanging upside down from a noose under an umbrella NO DOGS means NO DOGS.
Further, I cannot believe you are unable to leave the dog (pup) in the house on its own for a couple of hours whilst you do a bit shopping or attend our Car Boot Sales, it is pure fantasy to imagine any harm would come to the animal! You are showing more care to a pup than most people show towards their screaming kids FFS!
The owners of Pauls Promotions Car Boot Sales in Taunton recently conducted a survey on FACEBOOK asking for customers opinions SHOULD DOGS be BANNED from Car Boot Sales and the result was that 10,000 people voted to say an emphatic NO DOGS ten thousand times! So dear Paul has now the permission and mandate of a HUGE majority to say NO DOGS allowed and that is his ruling from this day onwards. I do not need too much tempting to create the same ruling to all of Car Boots Cornwall 10 locations.
On Tuesday at Newquay Louise was talking to a seller before the Car Boot started and I had to shout to Lou “Look behind you, there is a dog having a crap” sure enough the lady who Lou was talking to was the owner of the dog and you have guessed already that she did not have a poo bag to clear up the runny mess so muggins Car Boots Cornwall had to provide one” We had a holiday family whose dog crapped in the car park last week and we asked the mother to use a ‘poo bag’ but she did not have one so Lou gave her one from our stock and the woman had the nerve to ask ”Could I have a few of those bags we are here for two weeks and I didn’t bring any with me” FFS!
Let’s get to the reality of this situation, we are running Community Car Boot Sales not Cruft’s nor a local dog show. Our priority is for the Health and Safety of our many thousands of weekly customers. We have BANNED-BARRED dogs from The New Mitchell site Trethvas Farm and the business goes from strength to strength and we are repeatedly praised for our decision to exclude ALL DOGS, that is the current position and that is how it stays! Amen!
“Dogs could die in HOT CARS but they certainly won’t (cos they is banned) at The New Mitchell on Saturdays at 12.00 noon also on WEDNESDAYS at 12.00 noon”