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Dear Father save me from insanity Part Two be prepared to laugh!!

Subject: WEBSITE: Dear Father, save me from insanity FFS
Date: Thu, 2 Jul 2015 18:51:18 +0100
Can you please take down the blog post you have written with my email? You have no right to put my email online. If you had any decency you would have emailed personally. I acted like a civil person and wrote you. You have no right to attack me and how I raise my animals. If you do not remove your post, I will do you for slander as that is what you are doing.
From: Geoff Camden-Wiles
Sent: ‎02/‎07/‎2015
Subject: RE: WEBSITE: Dear Father, save me from insanity FFS
your email came into my junk mail and I have not in any way divulged any information about yourself or your email address. The blog stays.
Subject: RE: WEBSITE: Dear Father, save me from insanity FFS
Date: Thu, 2 Jul 2015 19:18:38 +0100
I will therefore be pursuing legal action against you as you have committed libel.
Subject: RE: WEBSITE: Dear Father, save me from insanity FFS
Date: Thu, 2 Jul 2015 19:39:57 +0100
Dear ????
I have read what my husband has had to say in his blog. He is light hearted and irreverent but in no way does he identify you personally. In order to libel you he must defame you. This is not possible if you haven’t been identified.
Our landlords have granted permission for car boot sales on the strict condition there is NO DOGS. The amount of excuses we have had from dog owners as to why their dog is special is so totally amazing it is now actually quite funny. It’s simple. No Dogs. If that means we lose you as a customer then that has to be so. We have no lee-way or say.
If you wish to get a legal opinion that is your right.
Louise Camden-Wiles
Dear Geoff Camden-Wiles,
You have committed copyright infringement by posting my email on your blog without my permission. As stated in UK law, the content of an email remains the property of the author therefore it is an offense to copy the content and post it elsewhere as you have done on your blog post. I would appreciate it if you would take the blog post containing my email down and I will say no more on this matter.
However if you decline to do this, I will be pursuing the other offenses you have committed such as Libel and Invasion of Privacy; also the copyright infringement. For this you will be liable to pay me compensation.

Monday 6th July; over the weekend we had a mixed bag of weather with some very heavy rain thunder and lightning on Sunday so I was delighted that we were able to go ahead at all three of our sales at Truro and Penryn plus a pathetic turnout at Lanhydrock so bad we had to give FREE admission to buyers, however we noticed that Withiel also had a poor turnout obviously due to the heavy rains. We have to be careful at Lanhydrock as the grounds become marshy with the rain and we would not relish having to tow out sellers and buyers at twenty quid a time to be dragged out by a tractor,’ you can stay there for me my bird, I’m going home!

The main event of the week of Car Boot Sales is ‘The New Mitchell’ which was well supported by up to 200 sellers and about 2000 buyers and their kids but NO DOGS at all, not even our security dog Nana Moon. A sight I have rarely seen was kids and some parents walking about with no shoes on their feet in the knowledge that they won’t tread in dog poo, I saw kids doing cartwheels on the green fields and people sitting on the grass with their kids enjoying the buzz that goes with car boots so that’s what it was like with NO DOGS.
Several of our customers loved the ‘Dear Father, save me from insanity FFS’ blog that I put into Geoff Says on Thursday July the second. Within minutes of my posting the blog I received the above emails asking me to take the blog off or the write would ‘do me for slander or libel and compensation!

Now I know I am a bit outspoken in my blogs but the truth is that I ‘says it like I sees it’ and I tell the truth and I give a true indication in a fatherly way when someone is living in a world where common sense does not prevail and basically acting without firstly engaging brain and then do some serious thinking before opening gob? In the first instance the complainants email was retrieved from my junk mail and I genuinely thought ‘this is a wind up’ but I will go along with it as the email was bordering on stupidity but was funny so that is why I thought our readers would like the fact that I was getting seriously wound up or that ‘someone was taking the piss’ out of me. So I did the story without any mention of the lady nor is her email address in fact it is absolutely impossible for the writer to be identified apart from the fact that the writer is a woman.

On Saturday and back to Mitchell amid the comments and laughter on this matter about the woman wanting to bring a puppy-dog in a sling so that she was allowed to be the only person at the New Mitchell to break the rules of the Landlords ‘NO DOGS’ and parade and show off the little ickle puppy dog in a sling looking like a handbag and the little ickle puppy dog can’t be away from mummy’s sight for ages, do me a favour FFS! One customer asked if he could start selling animal slings, a Welshman asked if he could bring in his ‘worried looking pet lamb’ in a sling another suggested we had a ’puppy slinging contest’ as we are so close to the A30. What is wrong with people minds? No, NO, and No again FFS! Are you all mental or summit?
To calm the situation down I am making a new ruling on top of the Landlords NO DOGS policy that you may only bring your pet hamster but how you’re going to carry them in a sling that is your problem, we could have a competition for ‘the cutest ickle hammy hamster’ my lovers, the Cutest hammy gets top prize of ten quid and the fattest ickle fat pet hamster gets shot FFS!

My take on dogs is this, they are great companions and constantly your best friend but ‘they is not human they is an animal’ and as such should be treated thus, they should not be allowed to ‘eat at the table, nor sleep in the kitchen nor larder nor sleep in your beds’ cos that’s not very hygienic.
Dogs are totally dependent on you and contrary to my complainant’s belief Dogs absolutely love and adore being left at home when the family are all away and they can have hours and hours of undisturbed sleep and the freedom of the entire household with no noises from the bleeden kids or adults in fact they can’t wait till the front door slams and the car drives off! Bliss perfect bliss, suddenly I wanna be a dog!

I am certain that my complainant is a nice person and probably pretty who just wants to show her dog off to the world and let everybody have a stroke of the mutt faced pup. The only reason I want to have a Chihuahua calling it ‘Willie’ (whatever sex it is) is so that I could stand in the gates at all on my Car Boot Sales holding the cuddly little monster and have all ‘ladies only’ come up and fondle my little ‘Willie’ in full view of the rest of our adoring Car Boot crowd! Result!! Send in the solicitors, the man is demented FFS!! Result or what!! (and my wife is standing there and doesn’t GAF-FFS!)

At the bottom of our Homepage you will see a number that reflects how many times people come to our website for Car Boot information and to look at the other pages. Today’s figure has just reached nine hundred and twenty three thousand only seventy seven thousand 923,000 only 77,000 short of ONE MILLION hits which is astounding and guess what? The majority of the readers read Geoff Says and we are now getting so many compliments about my stupid outspoken loud mouth opinions that the readers love it and want more and it’s FREE FFS! All I ask please is that you send some of the stories to your friends and families so we can make that ONE MILLION hits before the end of this year and if you have a story that deserves the Geoff Says opinions and treatment send it to me and I give you a solemn promise to keep you details totally private in every way but my replies will be no holds barred fun stuff, however if you start thinking about compensation from a ‘working pensioner’ and you start proceedings against me then I reserve the right to tell the whole world who you are my lover. X

Ps; If you haven’t had tears in your eyes over this blog then I am wasting my time every time I read it I cry with laughter cos when and if my loving wife Lou reads it I am seriously in trouble! Bring it on! XX

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