Dishonesty and honesty rules the day shamefully at MITCHELL!
Within an hour of the very busy Car Boot Sale a very distressed lady Jennifer arrived at the CBC car to say she had lost her purse with all her credit cards and cash, to calm her down I told her that it will probably be handed in and to contact me after the Car Boot to see if honesty had reigned at Mitchell. Whatever the outcome the lady was admittedly careless in the first place so I was delighted when 20 minutes later a lady brought the lost purse to me which she had found in one of the toilets. I asked her to check the contents with me. It seemed all of the credit cards were present but no cash. The finder kindly gave me her phone number so the loser Jennifer could ring to say ‘thank you’
Jennifer phoned just after I got home and she was ecstatic when I told her the purse had been found particularly the credit and debit cards. I asked her two questions.
1.How much money was in the purse? About £40.00
2.Did you go to the toilet at all? No
What had happened some rotten bastard had stolen the purse from the lady rushed to the toilet took all the cash and left the purse for someone else to find. I shall be trawling through the film of Mitchell yesterday taken from the CBC closed circuit camera to see if I can find any evidence.
Jennifer is resigned to the loss of her cash but the damage that her debit cards in the wrong hands could be devastating. Learn from this ladies keep your purse somewhere safe and that includes you Marge!