Dogs! I am bored sick with some peoples attitude about Dogs left in CARS!!
On Saturday at a very busy Mitchell some person/s had tied their dog to the outside of the car, the dog slipped through the lead and caused loads of concern from a few busy bodies who drew my attention to the fact that some dog is running around allegedly distressed.
Well here we are again getting advice what to do from a load of moaners the “You should do more about it” brigade. I get another car where a dog is locked in with allegedly ‘no air’ in the car. Frankly I cannot concern myself with two dogs who are probably ‘having a great day’ causing people to ‘nib-in’ Idiots come from everywhere with crap from the ‘you should do’ brigade of know-alls! Calling the Emergency over two dogs is the most offered advice and the idea is absolute dogs bollocks stupidity. By now my patience is wearing thin with other complaints “Dogs shouldn’t be allowed in the Car Boot” from the ‘I am an expert’ brigade. Why do I do it?
Butt out!!
I don’t care about dogs locked in the car, I have NO RIGHT to interfere with the drivers property like “you should smash the window in” brigade suggest! However someone did go far enough to ring the RSPCA who arrived two hours later when everyone had buggered off home!
Some ‘alleged animal lovers’ are so over the top when they swear allegiance to unknown dogs plight. We do check the cars out and in most cases the animals inside the cars do have fresh air and are only distressed by people tapping on the car window which really pisses off the dogs and me!
Seriously, I have been in the Entertainment and Leisure Industry for over 50 years so I respectfully ask for NO MORE advice please because I know it all!! Nope that is not entirely true according to some irate comment from a lady who argued that “You should do more” telling me I had a bad attitude. Correct!
Marge is away and I am some missing her!
It has been a good few days with some great Car Boots and good crowds, thank you to you all.
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Tell me about your best BARGAIN! My Lou’s best ever bargain was ME! Ask her?