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Extract from HOME PAGE 22nd August 2013

THURSDAY at Newquay Circus Fields Car Boot Sale at 12.00 noon Postcode; TR7 2JQ
Following the success of the two new Car Boot Sales at Mitchell and Lanhydrock we return to our regular location at Newquay Circus Fields for our regular and most successful Car Boot Sale at 12.00 noon. Sellers should arrive at least one hour before start times at all of our locations. Buyers should arrive 30 minutes before start times! Now then let us give a thought to those alleged disabled who constantly whinge on flashing their BLUE PASSES as though they are a special membership card to superiority over all of our other customers! You are disabled and you need exercise which is exactly ‘what your doctor ordered’ so enjoy the fresh air and get a damn good walk and stop feeling sorry for yourself!! If however you are not ‘swinging the lead’ and need wheelchair access my team will do all it can to help! I am not being confrontational but I do represent many thousands of people and their kids who deserve just as much rights as blue pass holders! Oh, and by the way respectfully I remind you that these BLUE PASSES have absolutely NO authority on PRIVATE land my lovers, enjoy your walk and GET WELL SOON and leave the blue passes at home!! Ps; This should build my popularity! Enjoy life, its end of season soon! Live de life!! XX

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