Extract from NEWS FLASH 13th August 2013
TODAYS Car Boot Sale is at NEWQUAY CIRCUS FIELDS at 12.00 noon Postcode; TR7 2JQ
Sellers should arrive at lease ONE hour before start times; PLEASE NOTE!! There is going to be a review of the ‘EARLIES’ system which was initiated for MARKET TRADERS. With so few MARKET TRADERS I may well cancel this idea as it favours the few and is seen by many as unfair to other sellers. The HORN which is used to start each Car Boot Sale will sound two and a half hours after start times and I would ask all sellers to respect other sellers by NOT LEAVING before that first two and a half hours session please!! In the old days Car Boot Sales used to last from 8.00am to at least 4.00pm…… Your opinions please! Geoff X