Friday at Falmouth Rugby Club!
Probably the worst grounds to hold a Car Boot Sale and complaints galore ‘why cant we be on the grass?’ The answer lies with the club’s groundsman who is under the impression we would ruin the hallowed turf, sellers will remember the early years when we were allowed weekly to use the grassed areas and did no harm to the grounds! Times and Committee’s change but the decline in our business at Falmouth speaks volumes with sellers preferring to go to our other locations!
Picture 1. Willy Slippers! ‘The amount of people who have picked them up had a good laugh then put them down again’ said the seller so I bought them for £1.00 as a Christmas pressie for Marge!
Picture 2. This is Pink Lizzie one of Cornwall Characters we have known for years she bought this Henry Hoover for the bargain price of £20.00 in great working condition. She said ‘I am the happiest person at the car boot today take my picture ‘I now have a HENRY of my own’ Whatever turns you on dear!
Lots of people criticise women who die their hair in brilliant colours but I think most look good and anyway ‘why not its a way of expressing ones self and nobody else’s business’ If only I had hair!!