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Fridays GOSSIP!

We were told today by a close friend of Russell that he had been ordered to take a road test and unfortunately failed and his car was sold!
I hope he still comes to see us he could jog to the boot sale or better still cadge a lift!

Marge is back looking lovely and radient from her break and ready for the season, its amazing how many of the regulars are so looking forward to Mitchell and Newquay starting again.

Good spenders at Falmouth today I know of 6 sellers who took over £100.00 the lowest figure I heard was £6.00 but the lady seller had arrived 30 minutes late and the main bulk of buyers had gone!!


The old Girls pictured are from left to right; Babs, Sheila, LOU, Phylis and Nurse Gladys Emanual! Missing from the picture sadly is their boyfriend RUSSELL!

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