Geri Love-GIRL or BOY!!
Here is the epilogue blog I left on the 12th August about a charming person who I called a very pretty young lady, now read on!!
The epilogue!
As I walked from the car park I watched in amazement as a party of four people entered the selling field at MABE and one of the party a young lady had the shortest of shorts I have seen for a long time so quick as a ‘flash’ I took her picture from the rear then overtook her to ask ‘Please may I take your picture for our website www.carbootscornwall and she agreed!
I think she is lovely and a breath of fresh air but she was roundly condemned by a few jealous ladies (including my missus) who were not as well blessed as she appeared to be! One comment was ‘She was showing off at Hayle this morning’ I quite liked the clothes she was nearly wearing but here was a nice looking girl being herself and proudly wearing what SHE wanted to wear! I asked her name and she said “My name is Geri Love and I am on Face book” You decide!!
Update 17th August;
So now the tongues have been really gossiping because lots of our customers have said “Geoff you should go to Specsavers because GERI LOVE is a BOY” and of course my missus says “Its a boy” further I am told he-she or she-he is one of Thailand’s stage show stars featuring Girl Boy or Boy Girl artistes!
This story reminds me of one of my ex Landlords who years ago was on holiday with his family, he went out one night with the lads for a piss-up and he scored with a really pretty girl and decided to be unfaithful to the wife who was back at the hotel. Things progressed as the subject of a quick bunk up occurred and after some heavy snogging his hands started to roam and fumble around then he found out to his complete embarrassment the pretty girl had the full wedding tackle concealed and tucked away down below! He was furious but his mates knew all the time and had set him up but did not tell him and nor did he tell his lovely wife!
What a complete wanker but what a bloody good laugh for the lads. Again, you decide but I think Sarah Moon and sister Doreen were right all along and I have to admit my missus must have seen something I missed however a close inspection of the picture reveals nothing but I still think boy-girl was lovely! could my judgement be showing signs that I am becoming a semi-retired old retard?
Challenge on, come again Geri Love I wanna have a chat with you as my readers deserve the truth!! XX