Thank you to all of our loyal buyers who turned out to support the sellers who braved the piss-poor weather to sell at TRURO yesterday, I know there wasn’t a lot of stalls but they certainly took good money from the comments at the end of the sale.
Some of you will remember the chaos caused by the Fairground arriving at Newquay during our Car Boot Sale despite being asked to delay their visit until after our event, Louise I tried to reason with but found their ignorance and faces like a bags of spanners with miserable attitudes hard to understand.
They are in the Leisure Industry looking afer todays kids at a fun-fair for christs sake! Be nice to people!
I was advised yesterday the same fair arrives at Falmouth today for over a week and they have been given the hard standing so we will be on the grass. I hope the conduct of some of the youngsters is better than previous years when punch-ups and disturbances caused neighbours to complain to us, which is none of our business. Have a good week and SMILE!!
I hate having so much time off because of the weather because it gives Lou time to experiment with food and cakes and I am allways the victim if the baking goes wrong and I hate being watched over and told ‘eat this I made it just for you’ and its YUCK sometimes! I am chuffed my grand-daughter is here for a week to share my misery.
Cheer up everyone be happy and live your life!
Ps; Marge stood in Cow Shit on Sunday at MABE and was livid but in her regal manner she admitted ‘Should have gone to Specsavers’ whilst I provided baby whipes to clean her crappy shoes! She loves being waited on according to Ricky!
Love to all especially my lovely wife who had her 44th birthday (looks older) yesterday so me and the grand-daughter is making her a cake. REVENGE TIME darling!!