GOSSIP Round-up!
Comments on the ‘I’m a journalist who like to poke his nose’ ranged today from 3 listeners to his DRUDGE gas bagging tripe were; 1.Thank god someone has told him where to go! 2. That man is SOO up HIMSELF! 3. He is a complete LIAR and changes the truth to suit his programme! 4. Question to Geoff; Whats his name? I dont know and I dont need to but he certainly knows mine! 5. Who is his best friend? His MIRROR of course! 6. What is his illness-Verbal Diarrhea of course! No more please.
Marge was away today, I knew I should not have asked to to review Fifty shags of Grey! By the way the critics so far have given the book a HUGE thumbs down apart from Lady Lynne who bought her copy from the Ann Summers shop in Truro. Whatever else she bought is left to your imagination but I am told it needs a pump! We will have to ask Sue! Which Sue, I am not telling you but her husband rides a throbbing machine to our boot sales-what a clue!
8 pictures from today at Newquay and somewhere else……………….FRIDAY at Falmouth could be busy….. x