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Had this man been drinking?

A wonderful pleasant day at Mitchell last Saturday was ruined by a seller demanding to park where he wanted and told our Kelly ‘I am parking here and I am not moving I know Geoff and I will sort it out with him’ therefore refusing to park where Kelly had asked him to on my behalf. This dispute happened whilst we were parking 150 other sellers and the man refused to accept my final word so I handed him an immediate refund on told him to leave the field.
Then the offensive started holding parking up further and he was still trying to continue the matter as I started the Car Boot Sale attended by up to 4000 public in all. He eventually left the field and I went to the front gate to supervise the crowds of buyers arriving and as part of that work I go onto the roads and roundabout to ensure we are not causing any obstruction on the A 30

As I returned the same man’s car screeched to a halt besides almost bowling me over “I want to talk to you come here you bastard” he shouted followed by threats about my health and death.
I crossed the road behind his car but still he wanted more! I instructed that he was not allowed back into the field but he kept driving up and down the road his insults turned onto our John with fowl offensive language so our John told the man to walk away in ‘jerky movements’ which in our terms means FUUK OFF!

Sellers should understand that we are totally responsible for all actions in the selling fields and it our sole responsibility to park vehicles in our chosen formations. No seller has any rights to demand to be parked in a specific space with the exceptions of our Caterers, Fruit & Veg stalls and aproved services.
Most of our team have worked with us for over four years and have complete authority on my behalf to refuse andmission or BAR any persons likely to disrupt the smooth flowing operating of our COMMUNITY CAR BOOT SALES!

Its always a man!! Love you ladies!


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