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Happy New Year roll on 2013

2012 was an absolute bastard of a year for most of the UK because the weather controlled the country for all businesses especially farming and outdoor leisure facilities. Its no use
complaining about the weather we all do our best but it is bloody demoralizing. We have visited all of the locations with The Royal Cornwall Showground coming out on top with the best drained grounds but Lanhydrock and Long Rock are very open grounds and cause worries about the new season. A friend came from Newcastle by train yesterday and was stunned at the sights of most of the countryside being flooded some grounds looking like lakes.

We have missed being amongst Car Boot people and went to look at the sales so did loads of our regulars who were not buying, they are the smart ones cos they know where to get the bargains. Anyway we wanted a new battery and SD card for the camera so went into Jessops who had a sale on! Some sale! The battery and SD card were going to cost £30.00 which we later bought on ebay £19.00 for exactly the same stock. No wonder the shops are suffering.

Did you notice the OWN GOAL of Tesco when they decided not to open on BOXING Day but advertised their sale items extensively an TV!

Eager Kids brought their parents to help them choose a TV at TESCO! Guess what? TESCO closed! GUESS WHAT! The Wonderful SAINSBURYS and Curry’s and Argos had a record day selling TVs and Sainsburys nearly sold out!
Message to TESCO ‘decide whats best for the customers not TESCO’S bottom line’ my lovers!

Gossip! I saw Marge go into Anne Summers the other day wanting her usual 10% off I suppose! She pretended not to see me but was she lucky I did’nt have my camera? Later in the day I bumped into her and said I had seen her go into one of the shops which she denied but then said ‘I did go into Specsavers’ You little liar!!

But I do know she was arranging a delivery! What from a SEX Shop!

More to follow………

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