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History plus time for a spliff or two!

Sunday 24th October; Serious overnight rain and heavy drizzle most areas killed off the chance for a lot of  ‘shall we or shall we not’ brigade load up the car and sell at TRURO? they are the chickens in my book, the others they are the heroes and winners because only 38 sellers turned up so they were going to ‘take some serious dosh’ because our buyers had turned out in their hundreds to support the heaving stalls with bargains and happy sellers taking the dosh-dosh my man. It was a pretty rough day business wise for us but the satisfaction I got was to see how well the buyers hand bought as they went backwards and forwards to their cars with their purchases, happiness was in the air the hills are alive with the smell of watered down cow dung ffs from the pissing down overnight downpour and then this happened; A gent came to the car and said “Geoff, I really do appreciate the efforts you have gone to to provide your car boots over many years for the COMMUNITY here, I know you are keen on the odd spliff or two, here is a gift for you but I advise you to open it later Its home grown, thank you so much” Well, what a nice gesture from this gent of whom I have seen on many occasions, we shook hands and he departed. Inside the carrier bag was this circular box the aroma of fresh home grown Cannabis fills the air ‘It’s de weed man’ It is 4.00 am in the morning, I have been up since 3.00 am with leg pains and cramps so I am in my mancave and I am having a couple of  the man’s home grown smokes right not right now with a rum and coke and I am listening to Penguin Café Orchestra music pure bliss man my pains have more or less gone and I don’t know WTF I am on about ffs! Back to business, the Car Boot was good it’s the winter season unfortunately the tourists have more or less gone taking their money with them, they have been a great crowd and were totally cooperative with all the social distancing requirements to operate our Car Boot Sales within the law. Back to the ‘chickens’ what did they do? they all stayed at home and saw the lovely sunny afternoon saying to each other “wish we had gone now, it’s your fault we didn’t go to booty fs” My pc is describing my readability of this blog as; Needs improvement; what a faking nerve? Geoff X   END OF SEASON at NEWQUAY on TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS, sorry! We thank all of the buyers and sellers who have supported us during this dreadful year with COVID and we thank all buyers for their continued support with ‘social distancing’ regulations! Guess what? Not one complaint, thank you, proper job me lovers. It’s looking like end of season for MITCHELL & St COLUMB MAJOR after today but good old TRURO will go through the winter on SUNDAYS at 1.00 pm. It’s getting cold outside wear something warm and don’t wear your best shoes, that’s if you’ve got a pair? Be happy be safe wear a ?? ffs!  Geoff. x     Roll on 2022 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….   Sellers should arrive at least one hour before start times, early sellers may set up from 11.30 am for an extra £5.00 no-selling no-buying no-looking no walking around trying to buy off other sellers! Rules is rules, break the rules and it’s ADIOUS mate. All of the buyers are watching to see fair play cos they want first choice at the BARGAINS and so they are entitled so bloody there!     SUNDAYS at TRURO is YOUR WINTER LOCATION!! Geoff

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