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HOME PAGE 30/07/17 and comments

TODAY at TRURO INDOORS/OUTDOORS Car Boot Sale at 1.30 pm £1.00 admission adults KIDS free!!

Due to heavy rains Hayle and St Columb Car Boot Sales are CANCELLED for today! TRURO Cattle Market is an under cover location and the only Car Boot Sale at 1.30 pm Public admission £1.00 kids are FREE! Today’s forecast has improved so we will probably sell inside and outside you decide? This could be a good day for sellers and buyers! Please Note; KITCHEN KNIVES are not to be sold to any person who looks under the age of 20 years old unless they are accompanied by mummy?
Be honest with each other at today’s Car Boot Sale with your wheeling and dealing and with the greatest of respect to our community from Europe please do not barter unreasonably! To offer someone a pound when they ask for a tenner is bloody rude and some of you Poles are the worst offenders even though I love you all but ‘polease be polite and you men polease use our toilets indoors and not the grass verges nor behind sheds FFS (I will get pictures) and don’t forget to ‘Pole the chain’

So this is what happened Hayle was off St Columb was off Withiel cancelled because they did, right! But good old Car Boots Cornwall had Truro Cattle Market on standby which resulted in over 1000 men women and there kids enjoying themselves and but of course the ‘winners of the day’ were the sellers whose tills were jangling with loads money and truth to tell there were a lot of bargains also truth to tell ‘there were a lot of crap’ as well my lovers!

It looks as though PENRYN Car Boot Sales will be resurrected from oblivion as from this coming SUNDAY Louise and her team will restart the CAR BOOT SALES at 3.00 pm at PENRYN Rugby Club this coming Sunday whilst I will be running with my team St Columb Major at 1.30 pm

I was chatting to some of the ‘big spenders’ the dealers (allegedly) who reckon they could buy at St Columb at 1.30 pm and still have plenty of time to buy at PENRYN for the start time of 3.00 pm! Amazing challenge BARGAINS at two Car Boot Sales within two hours!

Dealers also tell me that the ‘best Car Boot to buy’ is Mitchell followed closely by St Columb Major but the holiday makers love them all but prefer to buy at NEWQUAY!

Now then, did you know that loads of holidaymakers from up-country come to buy at our Car Boot Sales here in Cornwall and all the items they buy will end up being sold at other up-country Car Boot Sales at very much increased prices making our holiday-makers loadsa profit! GO Cornwall Car Boots and its wonderful for the sellers and GO buyers who arrive with their saloon skips (sorry cars) to carry away our unwanted’s to other Landfill sites up country far far away from our beloved Cornwall.

Welcome to all holiday-makers please do not push in at our Car Boot Sales and please do remember only locals are allowed to buy the bargains in the first hour. Thank you, please remember your poo bags also some for the dogs and ‘do not dump the doggies dumps into our Catering Bins! Take em home you brought them with you didn’t you? Oh yes you did they were in the dog FFS!

Seriously welcome, we hope you enjoy your stay. If you have anyone in your party who has Dementia introduce them to my mother in law and they can chat for hours on end and not know WTF they have been talking about, but it gives the carer a break for a short while (please) FFS! Give me a break!!



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