I am not a headmaster!
I am getting sick and tired of the whinge brigade who tell me this dealer pushed me or that one was going to smack me in the mouth, and will you BAR this one and we don’t like Brian, Dave or Peter so you should watch them! WTF I am not a bloody headmaster with a big cane lets all get on with life no pushing and shoving please but if anyone pushes my Marge or Lady (fragile) Lynn or worse still my mate Rosie there could be hell on! Its tittle-tattle season but I must be totally fair to all and sundry, so if you are a ‘pusher or a shover’ save it for the bedroom darlings! And just for the record I am not always BANNING people I have banned two in 12 months and most of my critics thoroughly approved with that decision!! HANDBAGS, HANDBAGS, don’t be a WUSS!
Updated 29th April; Someone said I have missed out Orli what happens if someone pushes her, I wouldn’t chance it they could end up with a smack in the gob or a kick in the googlies!