In the mail box today!
Name: Suebristow
Subject: Dogs -v- aunties part time journalists
Telephone: O1-637 – (deleted)
Message: Well done you 2. Wish I was there. Unfortunately Fell over loading up for last sat’s gig at wade bridge. Just a bit worried……know your allegiance is with The community , but remember people in this part of The world do depend on their pets for comfort and Love. Just about to kill one of my outlets..Regards
Thank you Sue for your email in support of the COMMUNITY of which dogs play an important part in peoples lives however this man went completely over the top trying to interfere with something which was under control and none of his business.
I know how people love their pets some are even nutty enough to take them to bed. A long time ago I asked Marge to look for a girl friend for our David and her advice was ‘Tell him to get a dog best friend ever’ how callous.
Lets get our priorities right and deal with the Community first of which you and all of our crowd are members of and who attend our COMMUNITY Car Boot Sales I am proud of all of you!
Get well soon my lover we have missed your money and for the record I have a very soft spot for our dog NANA MOON right at the bottom of the garden!
Love you all,