Legitimate complaint!
Buyers have got used to the way they have to queue whilst the sellers set up their stalls it is a fair system but many have tried to bend the rules in order to gain an advantage over the rest of the buyers. Several weeks ago I received complaints about one car selling with 4 occupants in the car who set their stall up watching all the other stalls and when the HORN goes off three of them rush to advantage buy whilst one looks after the stall. NOT on and NOT fair on two counts! So it happened again at TRURO yesterday and more complaints! Please rest assured THIS WILL NOT happen again!!
One; They are depriving us of our entitlement to charge two of them a 50 p admission, why should others pay if two do not?
Two; It breaks the rules if 3 buyers are actually inside the sale and have had the opportunity to see which stalls have the bargains and gives them an unfair advantage over everyone else!
Our belief is fair play to all concerned and NO selling car/van/vehicle will be allowed to sell with more than 2 adults present (kids up to 14 years old are ok) so if two adults are selling and setting up their stalls we will not allow someone who has allegedly ‘come to help’ in until they pay their admission charge and Q with the rest of the buyers!
Is’nt is amazing how such a small minority are so ‘UP THEMSELVES’ they think they should ride rough-shod over others! NOT on my shift they wont!