Message to all BLUE PASS holders!
Please do not arrive at our Car Boot Sales 40 minutes after the sale has started and expect preferential treatment because you will not get it! If you are disabled your doctor would be proud of you getting good walking exercise and fresh air to your lungs!
If you walked around our boot sale today to all of the stalls you will have walked a mile and a half! One arrogant lady today refused to listen to our staff drove to the top of the field to argue with me that she should be in the front row because she had a BLUE PASS! Not listening to reason I told her to park in the correct area and WALK! We watched her park in the correct place and then she stormed up to the top of the field unaided to complain to the boss about me!!
The only way to get better is to get out daily and get some good walking exercise which means getting out of your car! Its FREE to park and the 50 pence admission price for adults only does NOT give any person/s the rights to be offensive towards my team or myself! Park where we ask you to park or WALK from home dear!
ps; If you have a wheelchair disability we will get you as close to the action as possible.