Thousands of our local sellers and buyers have been aware of the fact that the 100 plus acres at the Circus Fields (originally named by yours truly) Newquay has recently changed hands and is now owned by the Kingsley Group who also own KINGSLEY VILLAGE. Planning permission for up to 400 houses with breath-taking views over Newquay and a shopping complex is being sought however initially a road system is being built which will obviously mean changes to the way we operate our Car Boot Sales.
The odd gloating pessimist has predicted the ‘death of the Car Boot Sales at Nookey’ not so, the KINGSLEY people realize the huge draw of our events attracting up to 6000 people weekly during the main seasons and have offered us alternative plans that will move us around from field to field but the guarantee is the Car Boots Cornwall will operate there twice weekly seasonal sales up to the time when the entire development is completed in the coming years.
From this coming MONDAY the existing roundabout entrance near MORRISON’S will close down for the road system to be built and we will use the entrance/ exit next door to The Kings Head pub for the foreseeable future in fact to the end of this season which date is entirely weather dependant however it is hoped we can continue up to Mid-October.
Newquay Car Boot Sales are great fun to run in particular at the end of the season when all the locals get together and the ‘EMMITS’ with all their snooty nosed kids and the widgy rat faced excuses for dogs on extending string leads tripping up old farts like me have long gone home to work and save up for next years holidays in FABULOUS CORNWALL! We love them all really!
Bottom line; Thank You to the KINGSLEY GROUP and their planning for the future with all the fabulous new housing and their determination to include us and the Circus and the Fairs and the Stunt Shows and other ‘special events’ as part of this massive investment for the people of NEWQUAY! Bring it on and give it your support my lovers!