NOT the Royal Wedding CAR BOOT SALE party!
We have talked to so many people to ask if they will be seeing the wedding but there a genuine disinterest with most people complaining about the wall to wall coverage by the BEEB and other TV channels and the huge cost of the occasion.
Laura has has her hair done for the occasion but ‘I only want to see the dress really’ is all she hopes to watch.
Ann, Dave, John, and loads of others will go to the pub where there is NO television but have not been able to find out what Marge is doing?
At the last Royal wedding when Marge saw the dress she exclaimed ‘My goodness look at the creases’
Louise and I will be running Falmouth Car Boot Sale with our team for a start time of 12.30 pm
Have a great day whatever you do! This mug was bought today at Newquay Car Boot Sale. Tut-tut!!