Odds & Sods of news-updated Sunday 30th June Good morning!
Good Morning all and I must say you are looking your age today so why not come to MABE or LANHYDROCK for some great exercise in the open air where the whiff of cow dung is not far away. Ideal Car Boot day pack up the car and raise some cash for the family. Sell all the kids toys you have threatened enough now do it!! Go on, go on!
I must whinge on a bit about the tourists who throw food down to the ground for the seagulls. These bloody birds can cause havoc by this stupidity in feeding these flying white rats from the skies. On Tuesday I left Newquay earlier than usual and received reports there were up to 200 Seagulls flying over the circus fields which caused an early exodus of sellers and buyers. Some tourist and the son threw chips on the ground and the seagulls did the rest plus pebble dashing anyone within range. The tourist and son thought it all hilarious watching our customers being dive bombed with white shite, not funny you couple of dick-heads!!
Remember I told you about someone who bought jewellery for fifty pounds well he brought the remaining items for me to photograph telling me he had sold 4 of the rings. How much would you value what is in the picture? Not a lot is my opinion! Anyway he is the same dealer who bought a similar lot a while ago which was a bargain and his beloved girlfriend chose the best ring for herself. They are both dealers over many years and to her excitement she packed up the van and set up her stall and gossiped and gossiped and someone came to their stall whilst all the gossiping was going on and lo and behold that someone STOLE a MOBILE belonging to third person who was also working on the stall? Tut-tut you are supposed to be an expert Linda my lover, anyway I sold the mobile for a fiver! (not true)
If you lose your phone get a friend to ring your number asap then notify us, there are a lot of really honest people who do hand in the phones, on average we get up to 20 a year lost mobiles some worth over £600.00 WAKE up you mobilers.
In my original story I said it was a camera but it was a mobile that was stolen.
So at least TWO people were supervising on the stall which was 2 tables total width 12 feet, what a couple of nutters!
There are rumours that Geoff (that’s me) is well off colour and has gone very quiet recently could he be ill or overworked! Neither, lots of things going on at the moment all will be revealed soon but according to Louise I am at my worst when QUIET because it means I am scheming!! Correct! But I assure you that I am fine my doctor thinks I am a miracle to modern science. Don’t some people tell lies when they say ‘My doctor is really worried about me’! Oh, and I bet he cannot sleep at night either WALOBS my lovers. Once they have got you out of their office they say ‘NEXT’ then they forget you till the next time you see them. I am not allowed to advertise Doctors but the ones in Carnon Downs take some beating.
Take care have a good weekend and make the most of the good weather, if you are coming to my car boot sales keep and eye on your own property and don’t take anyone else’s please! If you see anyone stealing do not take the law into your own hands advise any member of our teams please.