ONE lost boy!
Back to Mitchell today after last week’s fiasco with some part time ‘I’m a nosey journalist’ from Auntie BBC spouting on about dogs which I will deal with on Monday and I assure you it will be ‘fun reading’ for you but not Lorry, his nickname!
The weather in Newquay was torrential rain but only 4 miles up the road at Mitchell we had sun for most of the day only a very slight drizzle towards the end of the sale which was great to watch as sellers packed up in a hurry before getting soaked. All was going well nearly 200 sellers up to 3800 on site, about 2.00pm someone brought a boy who was lost but he didn’t seem at all distressed told me his name was Vinny and his family were staying at Monkey Tree and he was 8 years old the same age by coincidence the same age as those thieving little bratz from yesterday. As he had what I considered a good sense of humour I thought lets ‘wind him up-revenge time’
“Right Vinny what happens is you stay here by my car so you can look for your parents if they don’t arrive within 20 minutes WE SELL YOU how much does you think we will get a fiver or more” ‘You aren’t selling me but I am worth a lot more than that’ “OK that’s fair but we will expect a reward when they find you” I then offered would you like and Ice Cream took him to the trailer where he opted for a Chocolate flavour cornet and I convinced him to ‘go for the LARGE one’. Once he had taken the first lick I demanded he pay £1.60 for the ice, he was so gobsmacked the ice fell out of the cornet and with one grubby hand he picked up the chocolate and rammed it back into the cornet and continued eating telling me he had no money. Back at the car I told him about the kids yesterday who had bunked off without paying just like you did with the ice cream which he found very funny when he spotted his family who all wanted to know where had he been and he said this man has been looking after me and he wants a reward, they thanked me and said come on Vinny lets go and he replied ‘Nope I am staying here with him’ That will be a NOPE from me as well but I said he owes us for the ice cream and is there a reward please! Sadly that was also a NOPE-keep him! Nice kid, nice family did the right thing by coming to us we treat them well.
About two years ago we had 3 kids 2 girls one boy aged five four and 3 and I discovered they were from a family of 5 little monsters. I did the ice-cream routine and allowed them FREE rides on the Bouncy Castle to amuse them whilst waiting for Mum & Dad who according the kids were selling at one of the stalls. Two weeks later the same threesome came up and said ‘Excuse me we are lost again’ “Oh no you are NOT” said I. Another nice little family the kids often come to talk whilst their parents are selling their toys! Hah.
The last kid we found at Mitchell was truly upset about being lost and his parent’s reaction was to shout and threaten the poor lad which was sheer stupidity, as I explained to Vinny its not you that’s lost its your parents at least YOU know where you are!!