I received 3 complaints that Neville Mc Fuct has been rattling a few cages of his customers by giving them bad service some are even claiming he has been aggressively rude to people whom he has allegedly conned in some way or other that is of course if you real all the crap that is written on Facebook. Some people are claiming the only reason that the they will not go to Lanhydroops Car Boot Sales at Bodmin on Sundays at 9.00 am is because ‘he is taking over’ and the inexperienced management are letting him at least that is what I am told! Anyway one complainant told me that people on Facebook think that he is the BOSS of Car Boots Cornwall but one of my most loyal friends Ann put the record straight by saying “Geoff is the BOSS of CBC” which is true!
Here is a picture of the Neville ‘no refunds’ blokie who is BARRED from Car Boots Cornwall! BARRED, barred, BARRED cos according to Ann’s mate Veronica he is a total toss pot! Veronica that is disgusting my lovely!!
The history;
TROLLS and their PIT FA ignorance! Anyone you know? Posted: 11/07/2016
The Sad Truths of Internet Trolls:
1. Trolls are immune to criticism and logical arguments. True trolls cannot be reasoned with, regardless of how sound your logical argument is.
2. Trolls do not feel remorse like you and me. They have ‘sociopathic tendencies’ and accordingly, they delight in other people having hurt feelings.
3. Trolls consider themselves separate from the social order.
4. Trolls do not abide by etiquette or the rules of common courtesy.
5. Trolls consider themselves above social responsibility.
6. Trolls gain energy by you insulting them.
7. Trolls gain energy when you get angry.
8. The only way to deal with a troll is to ignore him, or take away his ability to post on line.
Geoff Says;
What a wonderful job description of Stupor Troll (off his TROLLY) Neville Rogers who has targeted Car Boots Cornwall and our customers because he was BARRED from CBC Car Boot Sales because of his offensive and unwarranted anti-racial ranting’s and accusations and his threats of physical violence towards myself and to some of my customers!!