Have you noticed that the press have got sod all to say about me this week, they obviously have agreed to my recent blogs so why not let your readers decide?
Free Speech rules remember!!
Have you noticed that the press have got sod all to say about me this week, they obviously have agreed to my recent blogs so why not let your readers decide?
Free Speech rules remember!!
This blog is now outdated like the stories in the Cornish papers but here is a total update of the treachery skulduggery and bugger me as they attempted to closes down my business through exaggerating reality and basically writing a whole load of bollocks (no change there then) read on;
Over the last three to four weeks you will either have seen or been told that the local papers have printed direct from my website only half of a story on my comments featured in my blog “Wake up it’s your property” which went on about lost mobiles and sets of car keys being lost and found and my views about the abuse of Blue Disabled passes. The whole item was as usual from Geoff Says light hearted, straight talking no beating about the bush and a tad confrontational but certainly was not meant in any way to seriously offend any person/s but to bring to everyone’s attention the very serious problems that we have encountered recently dealing with the absolute minority of disabled blue pass holders. Only three weeks ago at Mitchell one pass holder drove her car at Jo-Jo one of our team members witnessed by startled buyers arriving at the sale.
You the reader are now in charge of the Car Boot you are now Geoff and everyone wants to talk to you and say ‘Hello Geoff’ sort of about 100 times from all sides of the sale so how are you going to get the sale started on time? You are expecting up to 3000 people in all to be at today’s sale so go for it! You are in charge of Mitchell our number ONE location (second to NONE in the County of Cornwall) our Car Boots are extremely popular with regular or tourists buyers who descend on the Trethvas Farm every Saturday with up to 850 cars within 20 minutes. You are under pressure from CAMBORNE POLICE to ensure that there is no tail-back from our queue of traffic leaving the A 30 dual carriageway to our Car Boot.
We have 8 signs at our main gates and the slip road stating NO DOGS! Our first on duty member of staff has to check at the main gates every car to ensure that we enforce our Landlords Ruling ‘No Dogs’
Some dog owners protest at the ruling (which is non-negotiable) holding up the queues at the main gates contributing to the start of a tail back! Inside the Car Park fields our staff are directing scores of cars as swiftly as possible to a safe car parking space. The majority of BLUE PASS holders arrive and show their passes and accept the space where they are directed to park but then there are others who demand ‘front row seating’ which is not available, the very few argue and are creating a real tail back because now they want to eff and blind at our people who are not paid to suffer such verbal abuse.
Some go as far as to threaten our staff and one alleged disabled person got out of his car and punched a male member of my team. Our staff identify real disabled cases with wheelchairs in their cars and where possible they will park the driver as near as possible to the sale.
People are asking you all sorts of Qs lost mobiles are being handed in, some B’stard has stolen toilet rolls from two of the portable toilets creating more skidders than enough FFS (Probably tourist caravaners nicked em)and the bloody buyers are now blocking the entrance to the selling field cos Marge and her big-bum friends are in the way! Safety for everyone is of paramount importance, the sellers have all set up their stalls, the bargains are screaming out “come on buy me” the nervous sellers are waiting at the ready, they can see the buyers as the horn blasts and the Car Boot Olympics begins when the first 100 utter nutters in the front of the Q just run like fcuk in all directions and they don’t even know where TF they are going nor why TF they are running FFS! That’s the way to start a Car Boot Sale with the adrenaline and testosterone and desire to spend are at fever pitch but at least everyone gets a fair chance to get the bargains.
PAR MARKET 14th July
Today, I was shown a copy of The Cornish Guardian who put the story about ‘me and my blog’ on its front page totally ignoring the main story of the day The Chilcott Report identifying Tony Blair as being a war criminal with that George Bush idiot for the war that 78% of our COUNTRY voted “NO WAR in Iraq” on behalf of the United Kingdom and 78% of America said “NO WAR in Iraq” nor did they authorise the murder and deaths of up to and beyond ONE million people and the lives of 82 of our British Army soldiers!
Now then, half of the front page of the CORNISH GUARDIAN and part of page two were devoted to me and the papers endeavour to take completely out of context the drivel story with my views about the minority of people who abuse the disable passes.
Shame, shame, shame on you Cornish Guardian where’s your respect for the loss of lives of our British Troops?
On Thursday I was at PAR MARKET Car Boot Sale when one of the 50 sellers had a current copy of the Cornish Guardian, the paper was passed around for people who could be bothered to read and comment. I have got to tell the absolute honest truth that the majority of the people (and there were lots) supported my outspoken views because they have been customers of ours for years and years and they understand the problems that lead to my most inoffensive brash outburst. I felt amongst real friends and supporters of CBC and its efforts and honesty to ‘say it like it is’ warts and all. Par Market is a nice place to be at our Thursday Car Boot Sales at 12.00 noon. Clean venue plenty of sellers loads of BARGAINS lots of buyers cleanest loos ever and the dogs have “POOLAND” Sniffers poo paradise FFS!
Now then, this is my analysis to the alleged ‘reporters’ of the dreadful local Cornish rags who without my permission copied and printed ‘only part’ of my alleged offensive blog without any reference to me nor a polite request to discuss my blog with me which would probably of ended with an impolite GAFY reply. However you novice Journee’s you have all got it totally wrong because you ignored the most important rules of journalism;
ONE; make sure you get all of the facts correct on your alleged story and don’t sensationalise it by telling your readers that I am being investigated by various section of the Police which is an absolute load of bolax! The Police did telephone to say they had received some complaints about my ‘edited by the press blog’ we discussed the item and the officer said that I had not committed any crime (respectfully, I already knew that) The Police are not in the slightest bit interested in whatever I have got to say nor any complaints against me because of outspoken views on or about any subject on this planet so do not waste their time complaining I am a law abiding citizen of this Country, I am out spoken, I speak the truth I use my rights for FREE SPEECH FFS! Amen!
TWO; Make sure your pictures match the alleged story.
You are a daft lot of buggers and this is the reason why!
You have proven to me and all of my Car Boot customers that there is absolutely no doubt that there is a FIDDLE with these Blue Pass Holders cos the one that you have shown in all your groups ‘alleged’ newspapers photographed and pictured in your own car park (is it the Editors Uncle’s car for instance?) you have reprinted the same picture in all of your local crap newspapers a picture of a disabled pass holder and the BLUE DISABLED BADGE is effing “out of date” “expired” “finished” “caput” “finito” “amen” “dead” by over 4 years FFS. Wake up you press!! WABOWs! Tosser’s United!
Take another look at your picture you ‘bunch of wassucks’ and the EXPIRY date on the ‘disabled blue pass’ is dated 31st of MARCH 2012 only four years plus out of date and you reporters and your dozy Editors who ‘supposedly checks everything’ ‘hold the front page’ but none of you had got the intelligence to check the dates. What a stunning OWN GOAL!!
What a bunch of losers! Out of date and breaking the law FFS!! WABOFWs dear of them.
Footnote; Wash them daily?
Just imagine if I had-had the lunacy and actually bought advertising space in the Cornish Guardian and then paid for the space of half of the FRONT PAGE and a third of page two they would have charged me up to £2000.00 for the publicity then add all of the other papers who ‘hook line and sinker’ fell for this same crap story so take into consideration their offensively high advertising charges I reckon I have had about £6000.00 of FREE advertising and I didn’t pay a sodding brass farthing FFS! Result or what!!
And they are still getting some of their wassucks letters to the editor wanting to carry on and on and on so G&FYFFS you BOWs. Tosspots with nothing to toss?
Any publicity is good and if it’s for FREE then it’s even better but from my experience of advertising in the most expensive Cornish local rags is to advise you to “Save your money and promote your own business” that is why Car Boots Cornwall is such a success because we have eliminated ALL press advertising costs with local papers because we cannot afford such extortionate rates and so the expense is just not justified! In any event we know we can rely on our satisfied customers because it is they who have promoted our Community Car Boot Sales by being there and supporting the best in the West.
Get a real job me bonnie lads or better still out with the men and in with the women journalists which could seriously increase circulation figures but of whom we know we can all rely on to tell the real news stories with truth honesty and integrity plus the usual 10% of exaggeration of course. Sexual discrimination? Yes, why ever not!
Wear something on your feet when you are in the sea in Cornwall the crabs here are fearsome little B’stards in our waters and they love the taste of tourists toes FFS!
Thousands of people from all over the country come to Cornwall for their summer holidays in the South West and thousands of them come to our ten Car Boots Cornwall Sales which is all part of their annual Cornwall holiday plan, lots of them loading up their cars to sell at our sales during their holidays. I have yet to hear anyone of them say “I have come on holiday to read the local papers” but here is a word of advice to you holidaymakers. If you buy yourself our lovely locally caught Cornish fish with chips whilst you are on your hols then make sure that they are not wrapped in either the Cornish Guardian nor the Newquay Voice nor the West Briton cos they are so full of shite they will turn your frigging fish and chips off, you will smell the fish and say to yourself ‘Cor blimey, is that me or the fish, what a bloody pong FFS! Nope, it’s the editorial staff of the Guardian dear of them.
Coming soon? Hopefully!
Now then my lovely readers this is where you must concentrate on the plot to oust CBC into oblivion, you will all know of the decision of Tretherras School to cancel a completed and signed ‘goodwill’ contract for the School to earn 40% of the takings from the Car Boot Sales held at their school during the summer holidays. The press aided and abetted by some short arsed Troll (who has turn-ups on his underpants) had brought to the attention of the school extracts of my blog and put pressure on the school to review the signed agreement.
Now then, the majority of Tretherras School Governors were most definitely for the ‘REMAIN in the EU’ crowd however after they had read my views about the abuse of disabled passes coupled with my views below on ‘getting us out of the EU’ it was then they decided to CANCEL the contract because of my most outspoken views supported by the absolute majority of our customers to LEAVE the EU!!
I object in the strongest terms to their thinking that I am not a suitable person to be involved with school activities because two years ago I had much stronger views in my blogs and yet the school were two faced enough to accept our money then FFS how dare they act as judge and jury on my rights for FREE SPEECH!
The ‘playground banter and bullying’ at Tretherras School and other schools is far worse than anything I have ever written in Geoff Says! Are Tretherras saying that all of their students in their School should not exercise and express themselves with FREE SPEECH, FFS? Do the parents know of this policy?
I further object to any insinuations that I am not a suitable person to be involved with either Tretherras or any other School. We started CBC in 1989 and over the years there are thousands upon thousands of school kids and their parents and families who have known me and my Community Car Boot Sales for years and years more, but I think it is a very sad reflection on Tretherras School that they deem me unsuitable for involvement in raising funds for Tretherras School all because of my views and FREE SPEECH either above or below this line.
“For the record since 1989 we, that is CBC and our Landlords and our buyers and sellers have raised thousands of £££s for various charities in Cornwall through our Car Boot Sales also ‘for the record’ at least 25 registered CHARITIES sell weekly at all of our locations for a 50% discount, many of those charities are for raising funds for the disabled. There are four very senior citizens who are given FREE to SELL stalls at any of our Car Boot Sales every week of their lives one of them ‘our Sheila’ aged 84 retiring soon having raised thousands for her special charity Friends of the Falmouth Hospice at our Car Boot Sales.
We won! We won! Ner-ner-nan-ner-ner! Up yours, see!!
This is the item that really upset the School Board or so I am informed but confirmed in conversation by several parents of the School (who took time to actually apologise for the School’s decision) that the ‘REMAIN Governors’ decided to cancel a legally binding contract because ‘Geoff Said’ let’s LEAVE the EU! It wasn’t what he said it’s the way he said it-they say? However what a blessing in disguise for our customers because we have now resolved our problem at Newquay Circus fields so we will remain there for the rest of the season. Diverting our customers to Tretherras School would have been extremely difficult but we do have nine other locations should there be any problems. This is the BLOG that the School Governors of Tretherras School really made their ‘political’ decision to cancel a legally binding contract between Car Boots Cornwall and the School and guess who lost;
“Let’s leave the EU is what I have been told hundreds of times by the people of Cornwall however I sincerely tell you the truth that NO-ONE has come to say ‘let’s stay’ I think Cameron and Chancer Osborne are a lying pair of B’stards and are the biggest cons to work in Downing Street trying to ‘cling to power’ by telling the public lies, lies and more damn lies. Then that nosey B’stard Tony War Criminal Blair poking his rotten nose in by telling us to stay in the EU otherwise we could all get blown to bits with weapons of mass destruction FFS!
I remember this wonderful country when the population was only 50 million people where it was an absolute pleasure to drive without the constant crammed traffic jams both in your towns and your motorways with delays to your daily lives and if Cameron and his lousy lot keep us in the EU then watch the FLOODS of people who will all buy cars and they will invade our beautiful Cornwall clogging up our roads with kind permission from a couple of tossers Cameron and Osborne supported by the Labours Party’s personality of the year Mr Yogi Korbin (I think that’s how you spell it) Truthfully I would have thought that the majority of the Labour Party should be for getting us out of the EU or are they ignoring the majority of their supporters opinion?
Our biggest problem here in Cornwall is that it is a wonderful place to live and the people who have moved here recently have told their friends who tell other friend ‘You should migrate to Cornwall it’s so lovely and the people here are lovely (no we are not) but if we stay in the EU be prepared for the invasion in particular from Turkey a country that Cameron wants its people to “Come to Britain and invade Cornwall, be my guest”
If the LEAVE campaign wins I believe Cameron cannot lead a divided Country and that he should resign and FRO into oblivion with Liar Blair and for all three of em to self-implode FFS! But I do think that Cameron is taking advantage of the shooting of the MP to promote his STAY campaign because I believe that is how low political people particularly Cameron will stoop to promote their rotten ambitions.
I believe Nigel Farage and 95% of what he tells us the British public. He is an extremely brainy politician and he can claim much credit for waking us all up to the facts of how we give so much power to Europe and endless payments of billions which money would be better spent on investing into schools and hospitals and housing for those born in this country. Trouble is the fat bloke Boris and Gove dare not have a real confrontation with Cameron cos they all went to bloody Eton so it is left to Nigel to stir up the British public by ‘saying it like it is’
I believe that if Cameron wins he can thank those crawl arses at the BBC who have at least 10 pictures of Cameron on today’s BBC Home pages which would make the reader think that there is only one person representing what is allegedly important to us and the rest of the World. WALOBs!
Whatever happens if we leave we will probably renegotiate but the bottom line on all of this is do you really GAF cos I don’t cos it’s going to make sod all difference to my life and if we do get all of these threatened thousands and thousands of migrants then they will all need to set up home so where is the first place they will head for and that is our Car Boot Sales so life aint that bad is it, car boots have a guaranteed future, you cannot say that about BHS can yer nor yer local newspapers! Here comes the migrants put the prices up FFS!”
Now then, as we all now know the ‘REMAIN’ lot lost emphatically and the ‘LEAVE’ campaign won emphatically and now CAMERON and his idiot next door neighbour left Downing Street for good, emphatically!! Result or what my lovers!! We now have an exchange of prime ministers from pretty Davy boy to not pretty at all Mrs May but she is a woman and such a relief from having to listen to Cameron’s clap trap! Next move Korbin out, Smith In, do you remember we were once deprived of another Smith who would have been a brilliant Prime Minister John Smith who was leader of the Labour Party but sadly died. I fear Korbin cannot read the writing on the wall to FRO FFS GAFY PUYK or walk away in jerky movements just go FFS!!
So now all around there is a change-over of old farts and old faces for new faces and it is my humble opinion and suggestion that the Tretherras School Board of Governors whose rudeness exceeds their lack of common sense and judgement to disallow a 78 year old fart (me) my rights for FREE SPEECH should move on RESIGN, WABOWs! Lets commence TREXIT FFS!
Fancy that, one of the ‘alleged’ best schools in Newquay is Tretherras but they do not support FREE SPEECH? Go now become a redundant out of touch Bored of Governors and let’s bring fresh minds on with the adult senior kids 7 girls and 6 boys from the school as the NEW Board of Young Governors for I am for sure that they could do no worse than a bunch of ‘Remain losers’ FFS!
Ps; Truthfully, everyone I have dealt with from Tretherras School especially the receptionists have been absolutely brilliant and lovely people, but I did get the feeling that my contact when he phoned me ‘to fire me’ that he seemed so very upset and appeared to be crying or was it that he had just read my blog with tears of laughter and he agreed with what I had said? We will never know! Who cares, not eye! Goodbye Tretherras, your loss, own GOAL! Free Speech prevails! Free Speech for all sides.
Bless Up!
Back to reality!
As everyone knows we are now back at Newquay twice weekly Tuesday & Thursday at 12.00 noon until the end of season work is in progress to provide a road to our next move to 20 acres grasslands at the same location for 2017 see!
We have some wonderful Drone pictures from Saturday’s Mitchell Car Boot Sale. The operators of the Drone-films and pictures are www.eyeinthesky.org.uk more pictures to follow.
I have the rights of FREEDOM OF SPEECH and I will use those rights without breaking any laws.
You may take offense at any or all of my website and the most popular Geoff Says blogs (One million and seventy thousands hits can’t be wrong) However, it does not give you licence to waste the time of either the Police nor the dreaded local press complaining about me because I have the rights called “FREEDOM of SPEECH” and if you do not like what I write then get a life and ‘move on’ FFS!
Bye bye!
Bye bye dear! FRO!