Today’s email from Paul the hat!
Hi Geoff
I told your good wife about the pushers in at the queue today
It wasn’t Polish but Rumanians, they were asked politely to go back, but refused and started swearing at the Welsh lady
Fooking in Rumanian sounds very similar to fook off in English
I know there’s a cultural difference but they need to understand the local’s patience will only stretch so far before a backlash will occur.
Also they were pushing and shoving everybody out of the way, and that was just women FFS
Yours faithfully
The man with the hat
Today was/is Mothering Sunday and our Car Boot Sales on Mothering Sunday’s are normally quieter because the richer element of our Car Boot customers can take their Mums for a nice meal to Mum’s favourite café. The Committee of the ‘worried that it might rain’ lot were relieved when I decided that the Car Boot should be in and out due to the fact that the BBC had forecast rain for 3.00 pm. They got it wrong because the rain came just before 2.00 pm!
You will have read my blog criticising the Polish people for ‘pushing in’ well I received an email from a lady who tells me there were only 7 Polish people at the Boot Sale last week;
From; Violeta; I wanted to explain something;
This Sunday I was in Truro 1:30 Car Boots. And I have to stand in defence of us Poles.
We have been called offensively lately because most cannot distinguish us from our neighbours from the Far East.
I was personally at the car boot and I can say that there was maximum 7 polish people and the rest are those who you confuse us with. We don’t tolerate their behaviour ourselves and they behave like that everywhere that they appear, they’re loud and they don’t understand cultural rules and respect for others. Because of this their behaviour also irritates us, so please don’t confuse us with them because Polish people living in Cornwall including in this Newquay care about your customs.
Thanks. Violeta. Nice name Violeta, so I sent my reply as follows;
Thank you for your email.
I accept what you say, however my item is not an attack on Polish people but the complaints that I received were against the Polish generally over the two weeks since I have returned to work. I personally have had no problems with the Polish however you should understand that Geoff Says is not to be taken too seriously, it is a light hearted look at the problems of running Boot Sales and the influx of all nationalities to Cornwall people think everyone is from Poland.
The behaviour of some of the new residents is totally unacceptable and bullying our customers and urinating in hedges must be dealt with due to the offence it causes to the Cornish people generally.
Perhaps you would introduce yourself then if there are any problems in future it would be useful for us to have a contact from the Polish Community.
Regards, Geoff
Suffice it to say that Violeta did not take up my offer but the complaints this week were from up to 20% of our regulars and now Paul the hat has said that this week it was the Rumanians so let’s all agree wherever they are from they are all foreigners in our Country therefore they must respect our British but totally CORNISH customs.
The ‘pushing in’ was far worse this week and when the sale started people were ‘barged away’ from some of the stalls by these over eager Europeans. We received complaints again about urinating in the hedges and I was staggered when a van arrived and paid for the 3 people in the front of the van and when they parked up another 7 got out of the back of the van which is seriously ‘taking the piss’ out of our genuine customers who pay their admission which is only 50 p per person with FREE parking FFS! Our Landlords require and deserve a realistic rent for the use of their lands and it is only fair that all should pay the admission cost.
Back to the ‘pushing in’ if there are any readers who are part of the influx of ‘different nationalities’ and they read this I would very much appreciate a talk with you particularly if you can speak and understand English. I am concerned when some of our customers could get ‘riled and wild’ that if we do not put a stop to such ignorance there could be ‘a kicking-off’ which could jeopardise the season for ALL Car Boot Sales in the South West and someone might just ‘kick off’ and thump someone else which is definitely not the way to resolve this problem.
On the ‘POLE-us’ (plus) side they all do spend very well at the stalls but I warn all sellers not to be bullied by these people. Regulars will remember that I do have references going back two years to a particular Madame Poland in Geoff Says archives and she was so bad I ‘POLE-litely’ barred her and she complained that I had POL-ayed (played) the ‘race card’ against her! I asked my regulars and we conducted a’ POLL’ and they all agreed with me! She still BARRED!! Pole-axed!!