FRIDAY 28th September
Dear Marge,
It is a shame that Falmouth Rugby Club has lost is popularity like in the old days one of the reasons being that the areas allowed for us to sell are in a deplorably dangerous condition with heavy stones pebbles galore and on dry days the dust that gets on our sellers stock makes for hard work meaning packing up the car and going home to wash all your unsold items! On the plus side the locals have supported Car Boot Sales here for over 25 years and the 40 odd sellers on Friday traded well one stall taking over £260.00 which is not bad going for a couple of hours work. The Club cannot afford to have the hard standing areas of the car park and surrounding areas cleared and new tarmac for old, over the years CARBOOTSCORNWALL have had work done to repair the potholes which fill with rain on every occasion but at least we can say if you sell at Falmouth you can have a ‘waterside view’ dear!
We have known so many of the families over the years and the kids of the early days (much better behaved than some of today’s little brats) are now parents with young families of their own. We, like some of our customers get sick of hearing snotty nosed kids screaming and lashing out at their parents because either Mum or Dad has refused to buy something from one of the stalls, some of them that do not get their own way go back to the toy pick it up and walk away without paying for the items with the sellers bemused ‘Now what do I do’? Several times this year I have taken unpaid for toys off kids to return to the owners the little buggers occasionally trying to lash out at me and resorting to spitting as the final straw! Then we get some old fart expert on bringing up kids who offers “That little sod needs a bloody good hiding” What a brilliant idea lets have the little buggers screaming some more shall we! Beating kids is not the right answer nor is it legal and it only builds up a bitter resentment which results in more misbehaviour and friction between kids and their suffering parents!
Many years ago Lou and I used to be registered Childminders and were chosen by Carrick Social Services to look after ‘at risk’ children rejected by their parents and society. We had great fun teaching them right from wrong one particular little boy Scott aged 3 a twin pushed his luck so far that I upped him from his chair took him and his lunch into the garden and sat him down to eat his dinner alone in the rain whilst from the comfort of the playroom the other kids and his twin brother poked fun taking the piss out of him eating their dinner in warm surroundings. The language towards me was unbelievable as he shouted and screamed and cried but he eventually realized right from wrong and never elected for his dinner to be swamped with rain again! Great days!!
Saturday 29th September
Truro at 5.00am is the right time to put the signs out with no other traffic apart from the major stores huge lorries thumping through the City Centre delivering stocks to Sainsbury’s, Marks & Sparks, ASDA and the dreaded Tesco’s. At 5.45am I arrived at the Cattle Market to be met by a couple who had travelled from Plymouth desperate to sell at today’s sale. Like the rest of the sellers who turned up they were delighted with their morning’s takings as the public our wonderful buyers took advantage of some great bargains! One regular lady buyer nick-named B J who tells everyone ‘No, I don’t do eBay I just buy for my family’ which is a load of baloney (balls) and she puts on such an act to the seller with her voice mildly sounding like Mrs Minnie Mouse they discount the real price just to get rid of her from the stall. Some of the other buyers including my 4th wife get really pissed off with her as she grabs absolute bargains that will be listed on eBay the same day! The nickname of B J is strange, I do not know what it means but then my filthy mind has a pretty good idea.
Mitchell is all ready and set up by the time Lou and I get there to conduct our busiest Car Boot Sale of the weekend, my mate and team leader Arlin does all the signs and sets the field up after Landlord David has prepared the grounds to a pristine condition widely responsible for our success and we are guaranteed there will be lots of sellers and buyers and BARGAINS believe me! After the Sale started one of our gypsy families (great spenders) handed me a set of car keys they had found in the field and I joked if they are not claimed we would wait to the end see which car was left then sell it and we would split the money. More naughty kids with one little girl who was about 4 years old actually kicking and screaming at her Mummy because Mummy had said “NO” to the little moo! What an embarrassment she caused to herself with most onlookers feeling sympathy for the parents who could only ignore the little monster. Don’t get me wrong about kids I really like well behaved youngsters and we meet thousands and thousands of them during the season it is the tiny minority who spoil it for the others.
Lou had left Mitchell for the Royal Cornwall at Wadebridge last Car Boot of the season when a Mother and her most attractive daughter asked me “Has anyone handed in any keys” I replied “Is there a reward” mother says “If you have found them you can sleep with my daughter” Could this be wife number five I thought because she was stunning, what an offer! I took the keys out of my pocket put them into mother’s hand and said “No, I don’t want to learn another woman’s dirty habits so I will settle for a cuddle” I got my cuddle witnessed by all and sundry they had their keys and the relief for them both was obvious, it was quite nice for me as well!
Believe it or not by the time I arrived at the Royal Lou met me with “And who have you been cuddling with now”? Some miserable sod had actually told her I was snogging on with a young lady at Mitchell! Fortunately there is not an ounce of jealousy in Lou, we love and trust each other 100%….Well that’s probably exaggerating the truth a bit lets settle for 50/50 ish!
Thank you to all for supporting Car Boots Cornwall and please look after yourselves and get plenty of exercise and fresh air! We need your money! Its only 50 p What a BARGAIN! Loves…Geoff x