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Saturday mornings at about 5.00 I put the signs out in Truro for the Car Boot Sale that starts at 10.00am the real reason I go out that early is the roads are so quiet and Truro looks great when its asleep! I open the gates and put all the directional signs in place so sellers can arrive and queue until our team start working at 8.30am trouble is I forgot to open the toilets and relied on the catering staff to open up but they were late.

When I came back to the Cattle Market just after 9.00 Rachel said ‘there has been complaints they want the toilets open urgently’
Waiting outside the loo’s were three men who looked decidedly agitated with one BALD bloke gesturing to his watch and me ‘Where the fook have you been’ to which I replied ‘You must be taking the piss’ After opening the door acting like I was having an attack of the shakes I eventually find the right key and was told to fook off for having a sense of humour!

Next I go to the queue of cars waiting to sell and find out the first 4 sellers (all ladies) had arrived at 7.30am so I mentioned the men at the loo! ‘I dont know what is wrong with men nowadays why cant they take a leak in the hedges’ to which three of the ladies chanted “WE DID”

I can confirm on searching through the closed circuit TV pictures that the above mention ladies were in fact telling the truth!
These pictures will be available on this site soon unless the ladies pay a fine for ruining the grasslands at Truro’s Cattle Market!!

What would you do? Me, myself, I will try to sell the pictures because I am sure I recognise one of them (Gail) making a big ASS of herself!

The BALD bloke ? GFY are you incontinent or something?

Another TRUE story of everyday life at


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Have you seen M H?

No-one got this right!!

In 1984 I was the boss at Pontins in Brean Sands Somerset which specialised in various competitions where enthusiasts could spend a whole week on their hobbies like Brass Bands, Model Makers, Country & Western and the most popular DARTS week where people would come from all parts of the country to participate and compete for the top prize of £1000.00 for the winning team. Coaches would arrive full of competitors and spectators their from local clubs and pubs to stay for this ‘special week’ which was wildly and enthusiastically cheered and jeered as pints-a-plenty were consumed to accompany the noisy cheering response as each dart hit the dart boards.

The main event was held in the Mendip Ballroom which was a huge area with bars restaurants and seating for up to 1800 people. At the start of the week over 100 DART BOARDS were assembled as the competition got under way with the noise from the supporters creating an atmosphere that was brilliant.
On duty in reception we had 4 lady staff dealing with bookings one of them was 21 years Miss Kerry Gold who was so full of herself she was abrupt to customers and had an indifferent attitude to the other staff a ‘proper know-all’ despite being told to ‘be nicer to everyone’ she thought she was a cut above the rest. Her best friend was her mirror as she constantly touched up her eye shadow, bleached blonde hair (black roots) and makeup. Louise was the junior at reception and as such was the ‘go-fetch’ receptionist chasing here there and everywhere Kerry treated Lou and the other two girls like ‘shit’ creating a bad working atmosphere. But if there were any public announcement to be done KERRY had to do them because NO-ONE could do them as well as Kerry.

One of the Darts players asked me if it could be announced that the Darts Controller could not commence a certain match without a member of a team. I agreed saying speak to Louise at reception and she will do her first ever announcement however on over hearing the request Kerry took over. The darts player gave Kerry a piece of paper with the details of the alleged missing man and agreed to the announcing for Michael Hunt from Wolverhampton his abbreviated name MIKE HUNT!

Kerry not realising it was a set-up joke announced the following “Can I have your attention please, the Darts Coordinator would like to see MIKE HUNT in the Mendip ballroom immediately please” to which there was a huge outburst of cheering and laughing from the assembled 1000 plus darts players with a few of them rushing to reception to see who had made the announcement! Kerry did not realize she had been conned into this joke and a few minutes later she did the same announcement again when the MENDIP ballroom erupts with jeers and laughter! Louise and the other two girls were in stitches when I arrived at reception to explain to Kerry Gold that she had been tricked but it took time for her to realize the double meaning of her mistake and she was FURIOUS!

Kerry eventually ‘came down from her Ivory tower’ but wherever she is now I bet she blushes if she remembers MIKE HUNT!
Several years earlier I fell for the same joke whilst I was on stage at a show in Newcastle, a man from one of the assembled parties came to the stage gave me a slip of paper asking ‘can you announce this please’ so I did “We have an urgent message for a gentleman his wife has started her labour so would MIKE HUNT please GO home! When the crowd had stopped jeering I realized the gaff. Very funny, very bloody funny!


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Here are more naughty names!

Betty Humpther! Brilliant
Jenny Tulls
Moe Lester
Hugh Jass
Holden McGroin
Jack Mehov
Hugh G. Rection
Mike Hawk
Mike Oxbig
Aileen Dover
Seymour Butts
Max C. Pads
Jennie Talia
Pat Macrotch
Anita Cocke
Oliver Clothesov
Jaques Strap

and there’s more!

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TWO out of three aint bad!

With the dreadful weather we have had lately it was nice to see good crowds at Truro and Wadebridge yesterday and most sellers rose to the challenge of providing some real BARGAINS at both locations………A great atmosphere particularly at Wadebridge with lots of compliments about this spectacular showground and how nice the locals are to deal with.

You always get one moaner ‘Why has everyone gone so early I have only taken fifty quid’?
I saw this mans stall when he had set up my opinion was the majority would have been better off in a SKIP!
FIFTY QUID!’It was your lucky day son!

Everyone missed MITCHELL but with luck on our side we will return there on the 21st July that is assuming the weather improves, but I have put an EXTRA Car Boot on for SUNDAY 15th at Newquay Circus fields at 5.00 pm
You could do well as buyer or seller to do both of these locations ‘Make hay while the sun shines’ (if the SUN shines-more like)

6 pictures;

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Updated 25th July 2012

The competition! Win £3.00 off vouchers!

The names of these beautiful cows are;
Doreen, Gail,Marge, Phyllis, Jackie,
Gayle,Betty and Lynne.
They are waiting at the gate for the Car Boot to start but what are they waiting to buy when the HORN goes off;
Here are 4 ideas!

Moo-sic! Loo-ise idea.
Breast Pumps! Geoff’s idea. But of course!
Moo-nopoly! Erins idea.
or Udder stuff! Posh Anne’s idea.
Barbara says;
They were too late because they herd to do the lunchtime mooos!

Not one of them bought a thing-they had run our of moo-ney!
Do you know something I think I am going figging mad!!
Your replies by email of text or in person.

Which one is Gayle?
Reply from an admirer! None of them-not fat enough. Now that is nasty!

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Its YOU my Lovers you are all the most important person in the WORLD……..apart from a couple of foul mouthed yobbo men (but of course) who used offensive language towards my female team today….may the crutch of your life rot and you fall through and break your figging……?

Question; Here is a happy picture but there is something wrong! What is it?
£3.00 off voucher for correct answer!!



To the rest of you ‘live de life’



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This weather has caused havoc for lots of our customers and I do feel really sorry for some of the sellers who have suffered so badly because of this dreadful weather we are having has prevented them from selling at 19 out of 26 Car Boot Sales.
Believe it or not these are the worst ‘RAINED OFF’ cancellations we have suffered since we started in 1989 and it seriously affects all buyers and sellers. You should all realize we will put on ‘stand-by’ Car Boot Sales when ever possible to give you chance to earn by buying and selling!
If it works for you that’s fine, if not at least we tried!

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It was certain that the Car Boot Sale would not have gone ahead at the Royal Cornwall Showground last Saturday due to the piss-poor weather but the new Manager at WADEBRIDGE offered us an indoor location near to the main gates which was a great standby and could hold up to 40 stalls for indoor Car Boots and Flea Market!

We need this location because sellers will know that they can take GOOD MONEY at WADEBRIDGE and buyers know there are lots of BARGAINS at the Royal with a lot of VIRGIN booters! Nothing better than a VIRGIN booter my lovers!

Thank you to all supporters last Saturday.

4 pictures!



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H U S M P ?

Posted: 01/07/2012

This competition is extended until Monday when the winners and their comments will REVEAL ALL!!

Try this one H U S M H ?


Two ladies tried to BRIBE me today if I gave them the answer to H U S M H!

Here is a clue ‘my GREEK FRIEND has a fantasic name’ and here is his identity card!

I told you it was a bit rude-strictly ADULTS only can compete and the winner gets TWO FREE to sell admissions!

No cheating Marge with writing the answer on a ‘with sympathy card’
Tell me or Lou the answer to ‘H U S M H’




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Great Sunday with over 2500 people in attendance and loads of BARGAINS!

We ask all buyers to arrive EARLY to avoid traffic delays please.

Cannot give you dates to the start of the season some of the grounds are very wet, as soon as I know it will go into this site.

PORTH is looking good however there is some opposition from a neighbour. When we first looked at PORTH we did a survey and the locals were most happy to support a COMMUNITY Car Boot Sale at a superb location.

Tretharis School could well be our winter indoor venue in Newquay.

Return to FLAMBARDS negotiations. Now that FLAMBARDS share the main entrance with SAINSBURYS I strongly believe HELSTON deserves a good Car Boot Sale at a brilliant location.



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