PAWS for thoughts!
Holiday Diary day 2!
I have a cat that has decided FEED ME!!
Still knackered from the almost all day journey from Cornwall I wanted to get up early to watch the day break which over previous years has been spectacular, so armed with a large rum & Coke and an even bigger smoke I settled down to watch the changing skies from night time to daytime all within two hours. Half an hour into my daydream I hear a cat crying and between the pillars on the balcony I can see this scrawny looking grey and white moggy screaming FEED MEENOW!
I decided to get up which frightened the cat as it launched itself Kamikaze style off the balcony to a 12 foot drop below (going down-ground floor) I looked over couldn’t see so the animal so assumed it had died in the fall, back to my day breaking.
Minutes later I noticed the cat sitting under a table studying me, this time it allowed me to get up go to the kitchen and fetch some food and milk which it scranned in no time. The cat did not want any contact with me at all and with an attitude ‘look! I don’t mind you feeding me but that’s as far as it goes, no touching-no feeling —RIGHT!’ which I reluctantly accepted.
The cat ate all its food and over our two week stay it made a habit of arriving mornings and evenings for meals so during that time it put on quite a bit of weight. I was really proud of my efforts, Lou doesn’t like cats and says to me “The last thing you need at your time life is more pussy”
I get really attached to animals especially if I feel that in some way I have saved their lives so on our last day I decided to give it at least a couple of days worth of food and milk. Each time I fed it-it would come closer so I felt totally justified to say “Let’s chance it , I want to stroke that cat”
Whilst it was drinking its milk I made a grab and the bastard thing went berserk with me and I will never feed a stray flea ridden cat again! Look at my bleeding legs!!
Then I woke up and it was all a dream! Must have been a bloody good smoke though and what about that sunrise?
2 pictures;