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Posted HOME PAGE 03/11/2016 & updated!

FRIDAY at FALMOUTH at 12.30 pm/SATURDAY at MITCHELL at 12.00 noon/SUNDAY at TRURO at 1.30 pm/ Forecasts-good!

Sellers should arrive at least one hour before start times. At Falmouth ‘only’ all students will be allowed half price admission (two for the price of one)half an hour after the start time from 1.00 pm on production of your student passes please. The students are good spenders at our sales so bring plenty of trendy clothing retro or otherwise to sell and items to adorn their bedsits!
To compensate Car Boots Cornwall for the loss of revenue from the students of Falmouth we will charge all pensioners double with immediate effect FFS!

SATURDAY at MITCHELL could be the end of season due to ground conditions so if you wanna sell it could be a busy day with an anticipated crowd of up to 1500 buyers sellers and all their kids. Great Car Boot to buy Christmas presents like TOYS, toys and more toys for the kids!

SUNDAY at TRURO starts at 1.30pm and could be the busiest of the season with only TRURO as ‘the main event of the day’ but of course! BRING loadsa BARGAINS to sell and you WILL take loads dosh! Did you know that 4 sellers left TRURO last week with EMPTY CARS having ‘SOLD OUT’ try it you don’t really want to take it all home with you do you? Sell up completely it’s a fantastic feeling and everyone gets BARGAINS I hope. TRUST only yourself for each and every day and watch your property please.


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