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TODAY!! Car Boot Sales at TRURO 1.30 pm & PENRYN at 3.00 pm
Sellers should arrive at least one hour before start times. Both of these Car Boot Sales WILL GO AHEAD today! Just under 1000 sellers buyers and their kids turned up at Mitchell yesterday and braved the ‘rain that didn’t happen’ and the rest of you stayed at home missing out on some bargains but the winners of the day were most definitely the SELLERS who all took good to fantastic takings. If is fair to point out that the immigrants like our gypsies are very good spenders, they barter hard but that is where your sellers skills are tested, do you really want to take it all back home or give them stunning BARGAINS. Beware who you deal with my lovers cos just one of them could ruin your day but 99.09% of us are honest as the day is long and I am a bloody liar!

Enjoy Truro today and pole-itely I ask all the immigrants DO NOT PUSH IN otherwise I will advise all stall holders “Put your prices up the immigrants have arrived” FFS! Welcome to you all from all parts of the world, welcome to Cornwall my lovers, enough is enough, no more, we are FULL!! There are traffic jams everywhere use the cycle lanes instead. after all the money spent on them it’s crazy, we play ‘spot the cyclist’ on the way to work FFS, Love you! WALOOBs! XX

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