Posted on home page 04/12/2016
RACIAL ABUSE-Truro last Sunday did you witness? Readers of Geoff Says will know that I will not tolerate racial abuse towards any persons because of their nationality or the colour of their skin. I BAR people who resort to offensive remarks or threats or tirades towards ANY and ALL members of the public attending any of my events. During this week I have received two complaints concerning a very attractive lady who was racially abused because of the colour of her skin. For the record we have known this lady who has been a house-holder resident of CORNWALL for at least 15 years. She has every right to be here in CORNWALL however she was very upset when on SUNDAY at Truro at our Car Boot Sale the verbal abuse happened.
I am told more than 2 persons carried out this totally unprovoked and offensive verbal attack which was apparently overheard by stall-holders and members of the public. Did you see or hear this incident? Talk to me please. Geoff