Posted on NEWS FLASH Sunday 7th July 2013
GOOD MORNING!! Great weather today so why not come to LANHYDROCK at 3.00 pm or MABE at 1.30 pm! Bring Mother!!
A great time to spend in the open and fresh air and sunshine at one of our Car Boot Sales today. LANHYDROCK is a great location easy to find off the A30 plenty of parking and BARGAINS.
The Car Boot starts at 3.00pm and if you are selling arrive at least ONE hour before start time. Take Mother to see Lanhydrock in the morning bite of lunch darlings and then the car boot, lovely day, and here is a bit of gossip the Lord of the Manor comes to the boot sales with his family, if it’s good enough for them its good enough for you my lovers! He keeps threatening to do a boot sale, I bet there would be some BARGAINS, anyway Rachel will ask him ‘when you gonna do a bootie my Lord’ and I will let you know! Could be jewellery galore on the other hand there could be nowt! or Why not go to MABE?
Fantastic views and the SHOWGROUND of Car Boot Sales that certainly put MABE on the map! It starts at 1.30pm I expect over 200 sellers a up to 4000 people to attend. There are TWO warnings for you?
We have a great relationship with out local gipsies and their families and have known them many years however there are several gipsy families from Wales who are in the area and they visit our Car Boot Sales. We have had complaints that the children (crew cut hair styles) are stealing from the stalls! I have spoken to the head of the family and expect there to be NO further complaints!
Next WARNING to all disabled (or allegedly disabled) people that have disability badges and FLASH them at our staff like you want to be parked in the middle of the sellers (dream on) there is a team of people who have taken it upon themselves to looking at the misuse of these BLUE BADGES by filming the pass holders activities at our Car Boot Sale. I am one of them so if you are putting ‘it on’ and you do not deserve the pass WATCH OUT! Oh and by the way some of them have got those squitty shitty little dogs that poo worms all over my fields.
Oh and by the way again WATCH OUT for the occasional cow shit pancakes at MABE and if there are any annoying little BRATS not being nice to mummy today then you can WATCH OUT cos I might push your faces in the POO!
Enjoy your day my lovers, anyone off to LANHYDROCK House bring me some of their leaflets please! GO FOR IT!! Sir Geoff…X