Primark’s best customer?
My mate the very popular Ann was standing with my car at Truro with several other much older lady booters (old boots) (including Marge) and myself, we were having a good old natter about Primark. They thought the store was great and good for Truro but that some of its bargains were of iffy quality matching their cheap prices. Ann was posing on a bit pointing to her jacket saying very proudly to us all ‘I bought this is from Primark’ to which Geoff replies ‘Yes, I can tell dear’ she punched me on my newly injected ‘going on holiday soon’ arm! The ‘oId boots’ looked on in shock but Marge was egging her on ‘Go on Ann give him one for me WTF!! I suppose I deserved it for speaking my mind but I mean wots that all about thumping an old git FFS? I think it’s cos she has been going to that super FIT PIT place in Falmouth doing her weights and her swimming and other exercises press-ups mainly (so I am told) and then there’s her modelling bit and she has even taken up boxing every day since whenever building up her muscles and her outer strengths and she has just been dying to try out her new fitness on some unsuspecting old fart and here I am ‘a nervous afflicted nearly 80 year old sitting-hitting target’ go for it Ann FFS! WHAM! (Didn’t hurt see?) Cornwall’s very own Ronda Rousey FFS? Dear of her, so I think with her newly found fitness and the fitness of her giant of a man (seems like a nice boy) they two could easily become security bouncers in Truro’s night clubs, I wouldn’t argue with them FFS. Anyway, back to the jacket Ann my lovely, I don’t want to be rude about it cos that’s not my nature nor my style (nor is your jacket) so don’t be offended if I admit that I seriously believe the style may not never come back into fashion!! Yesterday my dearest friend Ann was wearing a jacket that she tells me she bought it from ASDA and I could tell FFS!! X