Warning; first paragraph contains the eff word!
I sometimes get offensive emails especially from those who have piled their car with crap and come to one of our Car Boot Sales and have taken sod-all money and it’s our fault? But my latest complaint is from a person named Verinna (male of female?) who uses a NHS pc address to complain about my swearing in these blogs and stories. I doubt if the complainants view is on behalf of the NHS who I am certain they will have more pressing business than to complain about me using the eff word occasionally but I am apparently being reported, to whom I don’t give a ff! I do realize teenagers read this site and I am certain they have all used the ‘eff word’ much more than the ‘love word’ so they would not be offended by my occasional use of the word f*ck! It’s a lovely word and better than saying ‘sexual intercourse’ all the time and by the way the only swearing I hear at the Car Boots is from the women and it’s mostly against us men but I love it!! Back to the name Verinna, there used to be an ointment sold by Dirty Dicks Chemist’s in Newcastle called Verinna or something like it which was good for getting boils off your bum?