Read on; The Mitchell Landlords right to reply:
Email to our Landlords
From: Geoff Camden-Wiles
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2015 1:47 PM
Hello Mo & J,
Here is a letter that should put a smile on your face, see what you have started!
I find the email most offensive and it will feature in Geoff Says with my (no holds barred) reply the following day however Lou is most worried about the difficulty in banning dogs completely.
You two ok?
And from our Landlords this email;
Hi Geoff….
Jay warned me about this one!!
Sorry to hear you’re are having complaints about the no dog’s policy. There will always be people who don’t like change!
We agree; the letter is offensive and derogative about your professional running of Car Boots Cornwall and staff.
The dog owner in question clearly believes the entire issue is about irresponsible dog litter and that responsible dog owners are being victimised and discriminated against because of this. This is definitely not the case!!!!
May I suggest that when you return the email you explain that the dog ban (with the exception of legitimate guide dogs of course) is not your choice but a request of the land owner?
The reason for this is because of the livestock which reside at the farm and respectfully for our neighbouring farmer’s livestock along with the wellbeing of the loved family dog too.
Just supposing an escape dog hops the hedge into the sheep field and the neighbouring farmer shoots it….which he has a legal right too, even if the dog is not worrying the livestock…..what then?!
You may also like to point out that the land owner has also had to make concessions. Alternative arrangements for the grazing facilities of the majority of the sheep which usually graze here have had to be made because the environment agency have stated no livestock are to graze the field being used for car boot 3 weeks prior to public use. (Out of interest Geoff what does the environment agency say about dogs in public spaces?)
We understand about Lou’s concern of the effects of a no dog policy however, Mitchell is not your only site with a no dog policy. We’re sure you both respect and hope that your car booters learn to accept that there are many good reasons for no dogs on the land.
All is good here thanks & we look forward to seeing you both before too long.
M & J