REDRUTH/CAMBORNE/POOL we are still looking for a suitable site £500.00 reward!
After careful consideration and a site meeting today I decided that the FAIRFIELDS site in Coach Lane would not be suitable for Car Boot Sales taking into consideration the large volumes of traffic at our events. It would certainly be unfair on the local residents to burden them with this disruption. However I love Redruth and Camborne many thousands of our regulars customers come from the two areas so it would be nice to regionalise by having one of our sales near to them saving on fuel expenses. If you can find a suitable location for one of our sales we will you pay £500.00 reward for your efforts. The location will have good main roads preferable at a roundabout and the minimu area required would be 14 acres. There is a very good package deal for our existing and future Landlords. All is required is that the fields are ready and safe to use we do the rest and deliver the rent-same day! How about the back garden Mother!