Saturday-A phone call!
Our telephone is in constant use all day long with enquiries about our Car Boot Sales in fact most of the time the answerphone message gives all the information needed. On Saturday morning I received a phone call from a man who asked if he could sell at The Royal Cornwall Car Boot Sale and pay at the end as he had no money for the electricity and was absolutely broke! My reply “I do not deal with that side of our business you would have to ask Lou that sort of question”
Lou and I have a deal she deal with the monies and I do all the rest so I told her about the phone call she said ‘leave it with me’ The Royal is a great Car Boot Sale all over in 2 hours (bit like sex really-according to Marge) with two old farts from the Rotary Club helping so we make a generous weekly donation to their well organised charity.
Another phone call from the ‘broke man’ asking directions I duly parked all the sellers noting a very smart SUBARU IMPREZZA revving noisily and showing off as I parked him and his lady both smoking to their selling space
The sale commenced with about 58 stalls. An hour later Lou and I chatted how things had gone and I asked ‘Oh by the way what did you do about the bloke who wanted to pay after he had sold some of his stuff” Lou pointed to where the man and his lady were and yes it was the SUBARU!
Over to Lou in her owns words “Yes that’s them they have sold quite a bit of stuff and she was buying from another stall so I will go and get the rent” pause!
Geoff Says ‘They dont seem to have anything to sell from what I can see’ Lou Says “Nope it loooks like they are packed up and going without paying” and with more loud revving the car was at the main gates in seconds! Gone!
Geoff Says, “Good decision Lou-conned again”
So I made Lou pay the six quids for making mistake of trusting too much which is not expected from our JUNIOR management team!!
She is the love of my life.
Well, perhaps that is overstating the truth but I do like her….ish!