SATURDAY at Truro didn’t the sellers do well ?
The forecast again was heavy showers and none of the 22 sellers believed that it would rain as they basked in the sunshine whilst queuing, however there has got to be a GOD somewhere and just as I decided to park up the sellers the heavens opened and it absolutely pissed down as I stood out in the rain parking those plucky sellers outside the CATTLE PENS for then to carry all their sellable items into the pens dodging the rain!
But, 4 of the sellers lost their confidence deciding to leave the queue and go home! What they did not know was that as a gesture of GOODWILL Geoff decided to let all the buyers in for FREE entry and by the time the HORN went off to start the sale over 400 men women and their kids descended into the cattle pens to spend, spend, and spend some more!
By 1.30pm it was all over and takings ranging from £30.00 to £140.00 were gladly received by some very happy sellers! BINGO!!
When it rains like it did then the sun comes out to dry out all the rain is a time to hold your balls and be strong and face the weather particularly as the sale was held under cover! Like PAR on Thursday “He who hesitates is lost and doth not put any money into the till or thine back pockets” my lovers and those who went home without selling were todays “LOOOSERS” !!(loser’s)