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St Austell at last! PORTH at last-what’s going on?

Regulars will remember when we had a fantastic Car Boot Sale opposite PAR MARKET until the Restormel rating department demanded we pay rates for our Car Boot Sales.

I argued with them that we do not have to pay rates however they sent the Bailiffs to collect either £3000.00 or the contents of my shop or my house so I paid the bill still in defiance.

Reluctantly we left Par Moor Road.

SIX months later I received a call from the rating department to advise they would pay a complete refund with interest and that I was right in refusing to pay!

No written apology just a cheque!
But I did have the last laugh because the rating department sent the bill to the greedy Mr Bar Stard landlord who demanded £600.00 each week to run the Car Boot Sales!

However, we have been asked to run Car Boot Sales by the 82 year old gentleman owner of the proposed Motor Museum for one year on his land at Par Moor Road. He does not want a penny all rent proceeds to go to Mount Edgecombe Hospital in memory of his lovely wife.

You see, there is a real world out there and there are some lovely people!

I went to Planning Department they initially said no!
More red tape but I do intend winning this one and propose opening for APRIL and we are 100% behind the wish of this Landlordin his ambition to raise monies for Mount Edgecombe Hospice. Any bets?

The staff at Restormel Offices: FANTASTIC!


Negotiations continue and it is now 90% certain we will reach agreement for winter Car Boot Sales at PORTH Caravan Park almost of the beach location!
Next meeting; Thursday

BOARDMASTERS we have a site meeting THURSDAY

We are hoping to introduce an indoor Car Boot Sale for a limited period in ST AUSTELL
Watch this space!



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