Stephen Fry against women and their lack of sex drive unless its for payment!
Women don’t like sex as much as men. So declared Stephen Fry in a recent interview with Attitude magazine, thus inciting a backlash of epic proportions. The Observer got word of the British actor’s explosive comments and reported on the interview, giving it a wider audience. Then the U.K.’s famous feminists, like Germaine Greer, came out to publicly denounce him. Now, Fry, an openly gay man, is claiming that it’s one big misunderstanding: “So some fucking paper misquotes a humorous interview I gave, which itself misquoted me, and now I’m the antichrist. I give up,” he tweeted yesterday. He followed up with a more succinct message: “Bye Bye.” Both the Observer and Attitude (the magazine, not Fry) stand by the comments, which read:
If women liked sex as much as men there would be straight cruising areas in the way there are gay cruising areas. Women would go and hang around in churchyards thinking: ‘God, I’ve got to get my fucking rocks off’, or they’d go to Hampstead Heath and meet strangers to shag behind a bush. It doesn’t happen. Why? Because the only women you can have sex with like that wish to be paid for it. He added;
I feel sorry for straight men. The only reason women will have sex with them is that sex is the price they are willing to pay for a relationship with a man, which is what they want. Of course, a lot of women will deny this and say, ‘Oh no, but I love sex, I love it!’ But do they go around having it the way that gay men do?
Geoff Says;
What a complete wanker this man is the only time he is really happy is when he can hear his own voice and talking absolute gay Bullshit! Women are about MUCH more than sex machines (sadly) they are god’s greatest creation next to me and if it hadn’t of been for a woman you great knob-end you would not be here to slag them off!
WTF does he know about women when he has been a committed ‘gay’ since he can remember? Following his denunciation of women and his boasting about his male conquests he has the audacity to assume all women get paid for sex?
That’s not true it’s only the married ones who have to pay forever and ever and besides that sex is only a small part of a marriage (very small in our household) If you do everything right in your marriage and obey everything she tells you to do then when it comes to ‘sex time’ you are too bloody knackered to remember “WTF to do” Welcome to Cornwall….
Why not do a Car Boot Sale instead, bit like sex really all over within two hours! I’m not Gay; but my husband is! I’m not gay; I just help them out when they are busy!
Someone recently told me that Stephen Fry is a national treasure and that he is also a manic depressant and now he has the audacity to tell us about women. National treasure, my arse!(not an offer) I mentioned this Fry bloke to Lou telling her he has been very rude about women and sex, her attitude is “there is more promiscuity amongst gays than straight people-hence AIDS” A very good line Lou you just keep thinking Lou cos that’s what your good at, god I am such a CREEP!! Got your summons for speeding yet dear? Contrary to public belief Lou has every right to come on to this column to reply once she has broken down the password. Shut your gob Stephen here comes a train and its blowing its horn!