Sunday the 20th of March.
Did you see this?
Great day at Truro yesterday with a couple of incidents worthy of bringing to your attention. The sellers have all arrived and are setting up their stalls (no buying-no selling) until the horn those are the rules. Loads of people see Lou and myself and members of my team walking around the stalls but a few think we are looking to see what the best BARGAINS (and reserving them) there is to buy. Certainly not the case (but a brilliant idea) we are checking all stalls that sell or are trying to sell guns and knives of any sort including kitchen knives and knife sets. We also check electrical items are plugged up the British Standards requirements and we make sure no one is selling animals or food items. Further checks are made to ensure no stall sells either fake or copies of music & Cds (please see out TRADING STANDARDS page on this website.
I walk up the field with Amelia and I note that all of the buyers are queueing on the right hand side in a most orderly fashion behind the barriers and on the other side of the entrance there is a couple of the ‘European Variety’ with a young child in the man’s arms.
I say to Amelia ‘make sure that couple go into the Q like everyone else otherwise we will get complaints about unfair advantage to buy’ They tell Amelia that their excuse was to be away from the hordes of people because “Last week we nearly got crushed with the baby so we will stand at the gate and wait till everyone has gone in” Amelia got that solemn promise and being the lovely softish young mum that she is she understands what the reason was for them to think they could form a separate Q of two FFS! She agrees to the man’s request that they will stay at the gate until the mass of people have gone in to the start of the sale. She tells me of her decision to let the couple stay on the wrong side of the entrance because Amelia is that nice easy going sort of person who trusts almost everybody (apart from me)
Now then, I am of the mistrusting variety and I absolutely knew the couple were going to let Amelia and her judgement down cos I am a nasty bastard at times and my reaction is this. He his wife and their kid should take their place in the Q with everyone else, there are a loads of babies and young children that come to our sales with their mums and dads but they don’t ask for preferential treatment do them FFS?
Never mind Geoff, take it easy lad, and don’t get upset at your age! But, I can see some of the real regulars in the Q were not amused and getting agitated particularly the first 50 in the Q so let’s just get the Car Boot Sale started shall we FFS!
I give Lou (often) the horn to fire and as she does the couple with babe ‘like the shot out of a gun’ nearly bowled me over as they run like buggeree with their kids head flolloping all over the fecking place and beating most of the other buyers to the first stalls and I was fecking livid especially as I had got a bollicking from a regular for allowing that to happen. I do hope Mr and Mrs European Variety show up next week, let them ask me if they can go to the front of a separate Q again FFS!
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